
Displaying: model_ff11.cpp | View full page

// Noesis FF11 support
// Life regrettably wasted by Rich Whitehouse
// (c) Never, all rights to be taken to the grave.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "model_ff11.h"
#include "model_ff11_decrypt.h"


template<typename T>
static const T *get_and_incr_offset(const unsigned char *pBuffer, int &bufferOfs, const int count = 1)
	const T *pCmd = (const T *)(pBuffer + bufferOfs);
	bufferOfs += sizeof(T) * count;
	return pCmd;

static void align_offset(int &bufferOfs, const int alignment)
	//assumes power of 2
	const int alignmentMinusOne = alignment - 1;
	bufferOfs = ((bufferOfs + alignmentMinusOne) & ~alignmentMinusOne);


class CFFXITextureHandler : public CFFXIChunkHandler
	static const int skTexNameLength = 16;
	static const int skMaterialNamePad = 32;
	static const char *skpShinySuffix;
	static const char *skpSoftBlendSuffix;
	static const char *skpNoBlendSuffix;

	struct STexHeader
		unsigned char mType;
		char mName[skTexNameLength];
		unsigned int mVer; //maybe?
		int mWidth;
		int mHeight;
		unsigned int mUnknown[6];
		unsigned int mBitsPerPalClr; //unverified - kind of seems more like bits per pixel * 4, since i've only seen 16 for dxt1.

		: CFFXIChunkHandler(CFFXIDat::skChunkType_Texture)
		, mFlatNormalIndex(-1)
		, mFlatSpecIndex(-1)

	static const int skDefaultColorFixShift = 0;
	static const int skDefaultAlphaFixShift = 2;

	static const int skTextureVersion = 40;
	//texture type is probably only the high 4 bits, but 1 always seems to be set
	static const int skTextureType_DXT = 0xA1;
	static const int skTextureType_Pal = 0x91;
	static const int skTextureType_Pal2 = 0x01; //unsure how this is different from skTextureType_Pal
	static const int skTextureType_PalCombo = 0x81; //paletted followed by dxt
	static const int skTextureType_PalLeadingInt = 0xB1; //preceded by 32 bits, unknown

	virtual CFFXIDat::EValidateChunkResult ValidateChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
															const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize) const
		if (dataSize <= sizeof(STexHeader))
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		const STexHeader *pTexHdr = (const STexHeader *)pChunkData;
		if (pTexHdr->mWidth <= 0 || pTexHdr->mWidth > 4096 ||
			pTexHdr->mHeight <= 0 || pTexHdr->mHeight > 4096 ||
			pTexHdr->mVer != skTextureVersion ||
			//unknown, but seems to be consistent
			pTexHdr->mUnknown[0] == 0 ||
			pTexHdr->mUnknown[1] != 0 || pTexHdr->mUnknown[2] != 0 || pTexHdr->mUnknown[3] != 0 ||
			pTexHdr->mUnknown[4] != 0 || pTexHdr->mUnknown[5] != 0)
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		else if (pTexHdr->mType != skTextureType_DXT && pTexHdr->mType != skTextureType_Pal && pTexHdr->mType != skTextureType_Pal2 &&
				pTexHdr->mType != skTextureType_PalCombo && pTexHdr->mType != skTextureType_PalLeadingInt)
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;

		return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Supported;

	static unsigned char *CreateRgbaFromPaletted(noeRAPI_t *pRapi, const unsigned char *pRawPalData, const unsigned char *pPixelData,
													const int width, const int height, const int bitsPerColor)
		//unverified - can bpc be 16 in this context, and if so, does it mean 16-color 8888 or 256-color 5551?
		const int palSize = 256 * (bitsPerColor / 8);
		unsigned int *pPalData = (unsigned int *)pRapi->Noesis_ImageDecodeRaw(const_cast<unsigned char *>(pRawPalData), palSize, 256, 1,
			(bitsPerColor == 32) ? "b8g8r8a8" : "b5g5r5a1");
		unsigned int *pDst = (unsigned int *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(width * height * 4);
		for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
				const int palIndex = pPixelData[(height - y - 1) * width + x];
				pDst[y * width + x] = pPalData[palIndex];

		return (unsigned char *)pDst;

	static void ShiftRgbaData(unsigned char *pTexData, const int width, const int height, const int texColorShift, const int texAlphaShift)
		for (int pixelIndex = 0; pixelIndex < width * height; ++pixelIndex)
			unsigned char *pPix = pTexData + pixelIndex * 4;
			if (texColorShift)
				pPix[0] = std::min<int>((int)pPix[0] << texColorShift, 255);
				pPix[1] = std::min<int>((int)pPix[1] << texColorShift, 255);
				pPix[2] = std::min<int>((int)pPix[2] << texColorShift, 255);
			if (texAlphaShift)
				pPix[3] = std::min<int>((int)pPix[3] << texAlphaShift, 255);

	virtual bool HandleChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
								const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize)
		//dxt's generally don't appear to have been encoded from a higher-bit-depth source, so paletted always provides better quality.
		const bool preferDxtToPalette = false;
		const int texColorShift = (gpFF11Opts && gpFF11Opts->explicitColorShift) ? gpFF11Opts->fixColorShift : skDefaultColorFixShift;
		const int texAlphaShift = (gpFF11Opts && gpFF11Opts->explicitAlphaShift) ? gpFF11Opts->fixAlphaShift : skDefaultAlphaFixShift;
		const bool fixAlphaOrColor = (texColorShift || texAlphaShift);

		const STexHeader *pTexHdr = (const STexHeader *)pChunkData;

		bool copyFromSource = false;
		unsigned char *pSrcData = (unsigned char *)(pTexHdr + 1);
		int srcDataSize = dataSize - sizeof(STexHeader);
		unsigned char *pTexData = NULL;
		int texDataSize = 0;
		noesisTexType_e texType = NOESISTEX_UNKNOWN;
		noeRAPI_t *pRapi = dat.GetRAPI();

		const int palSize = 256 * (pTexHdr->mBitsPerPalClr / 8);

		switch (pTexHdr->mType)
		case skTextureType_PalCombo:
			if (!preferDxtToPalette)
				goto PickPalOverDXT; //))<>((
				//push is up and prefer to take the dxt version
				const int palTextureSize = palSize + pTexHdr->mWidth * pTexHdr->mHeight;
				pSrcData += palTextureSize;
				srcDataSize -= palTextureSize;
			//fall through intentionally in the else case
		case skTextureType_DXT:
				const int dxtType = *(const int *)pSrcData;
				switch (dxtType)
				case 'DXT1':
					texType = NOESISTEX_DXT1;
				case 'DXT3':
					texType = NOESISTEX_DXT3;
				case 'DXT5':
					texType = NOESISTEX_DXT5;
				if (texType != NOESISTEX_UNKNOWN)
					if (fixAlphaOrColor)
						//it wouldn't be too much work to just shift the 4-bit alphas in the dxt3 blocks, but, fuck it.
						pTexData = pRapi->Noesis_ConvertDXT(pTexHdr->mWidth, pTexHdr->mHeight, const_cast<unsigned char *>(pSrcData) + 12, texType);
						ShiftRgbaData(pTexData, pTexHdr->mWidth, pTexHdr->mHeight, texColorShift, texAlphaShift);
						texType = NOESISTEX_RGBA32;
						copyFromSource = true;
						pTexData = const_cast<unsigned char *>(pSrcData) + 12;
						texDataSize = srcDataSize - 12;
					pRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: Unknown DXT texture type.\n");

		case skTextureType_PalLeadingInt:
			//not sure what this is used for
			pSrcData += sizeof(int);
			srcDataSize -= sizeof(int);
			//intentionally fall through
		case skTextureType_Pal:
		case skTextureType_Pal2:
		PickPalOverDXT: //~~~~C====((__)
			pTexData = CreateRgbaFromPaletted(pRapi, pSrcData, pSrcData + palSize, pTexHdr->mWidth, pTexHdr->mHeight, pTexHdr->mBitsPerPalClr);
			if (fixAlphaOrColor)
				ShiftRgbaData(pTexData, pTexHdr->mWidth, pTexHdr->mHeight, texColorShift, texAlphaShift);
			texDataSize = pTexHdr->mWidth * pTexHdr->mHeight * 4;
			texType = NOESISTEX_RGBA32;

		if (!pTexData)
			//just use a stub if something went wrong
			texDataSize = pTexHdr->mWidth * pTexHdr->mHeight * 4;
			pTexData = (unsigned char *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(texDataSize);
			memset(pTexData, 0, texDataSize);
			texType = NOESISTEX_RGBA32;
		else if (copyFromSource)
			NoeAssert(texDataSize > 0);
			const unsigned char *pSourceData = pTexData;
			pTexData = (unsigned char *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(texDataSize);
			memcpy(pTexData, pSourceData, texDataSize);

		char texName[skTexNameLength + skMaterialNamePad];
		memcpy(texName, pTexHdr->mName, skTexNameLength);
		texName[skTexNameLength] = 0;

		//allocate flat normal and spec texture in case we haven't yet, used for "shiny" material
		if (mFlatNormalIndex == -1 && (!gpFF11Opts || !gpFF11Opts->noShinyMaterials))
			NoeAssert(mFlatSpecIndex == -1);
			unsigned char *pFlatNormalData = (unsigned char *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(4 * 4 * 4);
			for (int pixelIndex = 0; pixelIndex < 4 * 4; ++pixelIndex)
				unsigned char *pPixel = pFlatNormalData + pixelIndex * 4;
				pPixel[0] = 127;
				pPixel[1] = 127;
				pPixel[2] = 255;
				pPixel[3] = 255;
			noesisTex_t *pFlatNormalTex = pRapi->Noesis_TextureAlloc("__flat_normal", 4, 4, pFlatNormalData, NOESISTEX_RGBA32);
			mFlatNormalIndex = mTextures.Num();
			pFlatNormalTex->shouldFreeData = true;

			unsigned char *pFlatSpecData = (unsigned char *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(4 * 4 * 4);
			memset(pFlatSpecData, 0xFF, 4 * 4 * 4);
			noesisTex_t *pFlatSpecTex = pRapi->Noesis_TextureAlloc("__flat_spec", 4, 4, pFlatSpecData, NOESISTEX_RGBA32);
			mFlatSpecIndex = mTextures.Num();
			pFlatSpecTex->shouldFreeData = true;

		noesisTex_t *pTex = pRapi->Noesis_TextureAllocEx(texName, pTexHdr->mWidth, pTexHdr->mHeight, pTexData, texDataSize, texType, 0, 0);
		pTex->shouldFreeData = true;

		const int defaultMtlFlags = (gpFF11Opts && gpFF11Opts->forceCull) ? 0 : NMATFLAG_TWOSIDED;

		noesisMaterial_t *pMat = pRapi->Noesis_GetMaterialList(1, true);
		pMat->name = pRapi->Noesis_PooledString(texName);
		pMat->texIdx = mTextures.Num();
		pMat->flags |= defaultMtlFlags;
		//don't alpha blend by default, but do alpha test
		pMat->noDefaultBlend = true;
		pMat->alphaTest = 0.5f;

		char mtlVariantName[skTexNameLength + skMaterialNamePad];

		//add a material variant for shiny stuff
		if (mFlatNormalIndex >= 0 && mFlatSpecIndex >= 0)
			noesisMaterial_t *pMatShiny = pRapi->Noesis_GetMaterialList(1, true);
			sprintf_s(mtlVariantName, "%s%s", texName, skpShinySuffix);
			pMatShiny->name = pRapi->Noesis_PooledString(mtlVariantName);
			pMatShiny->texIdx = mTextures.Num();
			pMatShiny->flags |= defaultMtlFlags;
			pMatShiny->noDefaultBlend = true;
			pMatShiny->alphaTest = 0.5f;
			pMatShiny->normalTexIdx = mFlatNormalIndex;
			pMatShiny->specularTexIdx = mFlatSpecIndex;
			pMatShiny->specular[0] = 0.5f;
			pMatShiny->specular[1] = 0.5f;
			pMatShiny->specular[2] = 0.5f;
			pMatShiny->specular[3] = 64.0f;

		//add soft blend and no blend variants
		noesisMaterial_t *pMatSoftBlend = pRapi->Noesis_GetMaterialList(1, true);
		sprintf_s(mtlVariantName, "%s%s", texName, skpSoftBlendSuffix);
		pMatSoftBlend->name = pRapi->Noesis_PooledString(mtlVariantName);
		pMatSoftBlend->texIdx = mTextures.Num();
		pMatSoftBlend->flags |= defaultMtlFlags;
		pMatSoftBlend->noDefaultBlend = false;
		noesisMaterial_t *pMatNoBlend = pRapi->Noesis_GetMaterialList(1, true);
		sprintf_s(mtlVariantName, "%s%s", texName, skpNoBlendSuffix);
		pMatNoBlend->name = pRapi->Noesis_PooledString(mtlVariantName);
		pMatNoBlend->texIdx = mTextures.Num();
		pMatNoBlend->flags |= defaultMtlFlags;
		pMatNoBlend->noDefaultBlend = true;


		return true;

	CArrayList<noesisTex_t *> &Textures() { return mTextures; }
	CArrayList<noesisMaterial_t *> &Materials() { return mMaterials; }

	CArrayList<noesisTex_t *> mTextures;
	CArrayList<noesisMaterial_t *> mMaterials;
	int mFlatNormalIndex;
	int mFlatSpecIndex;

const char *CFFXITextureHandler::skpShinySuffix = "_explicitshiny";
const char *CFFXITextureHandler::skpSoftBlendSuffix = "_explicitsoftblend";
const char *CFFXITextureHandler::skpNoBlendSuffix = "_explicitnoblend";


class CFFXISkelHandler : public CFFXIChunkHandler
	struct SSkelHeader
		short mUnknown;
		short mBoneCount;

	struct SSkelBone
		unsigned char mParentIndex;
		unsigned char mUnknown;
		RichQuat mQuat;
		RichVec3 mTran;

	struct SInterpretedSkel
		explicit SInterpretedSkel(modelBone_t *pBones, const int boneCount)
			: mpBones(pBones)
			, mBoneCount(boneCount)

		modelBone_t *mpBones;
		int mBoneCount;
	typedef std::vector<SInterpretedSkel> TSInterpretedSkelList;

		: CFFXIChunkHandler(CFFXIDat::skChunkType_Skeleton)

	virtual CFFXIDat::EValidateChunkResult ValidateChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
															const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize) const
		if (dataSize <= sizeof(SSkelHeader))
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		const SSkelHeader *pSkelHdr = (const SSkelHeader *)pChunkData;
		if (pSkelHdr->mBoneCount <= 0)
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		const int expectedBoneEndOfs = sizeof(SSkelHeader) + sizeof(SSkelBone) * pSkelHdr->mBoneCount;
		if (expectedBoneEndOfs <= 0 || expectedBoneEndOfs > dataSize)
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Supported;

	virtual bool HandleChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
								const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize)
		const SSkelHeader *pSkelHdr = (const SSkelHeader *)pChunkData;
		const SSkelBone *pSkelBones = (const SSkelBone *)(pSkelHdr + 1);
		noeRAPI_t *pRapi = dat.GetRAPI();
		modelBone_t *pBones = pRapi->Noesis_AllocBones(pSkelHdr->mBoneCount);

		for (int boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < pSkelHdr->mBoneCount; ++boneIndex)
			const SSkelBone *pSkelBone = pSkelBones + boneIndex;
			modelBone_t *pBone = pBones + boneIndex;
			RichMat43 &boneMat = (RichMat43 &)pBone->mat;

			pBone->index = boneIndex;
			sprintf_s(pBone->name, "bone%04i", boneIndex);
			boneMat = pSkelBone->mQuat.ToMat43(true);
			boneMat[3] = pSkelBone->mTran;
			pBone->eData.parent = (pSkelBone->mParentIndex != boneIndex) ? pBones + pSkelBone->mParentIndex : NULL;

		pRapi->rpgMultiplyBones(pBones, pSkelHdr->mBoneCount);

		mSkeletons.push_back(SInterpretedSkel(pBones, pSkelHdr->mBoneCount));

		return true;

	TSInterpretedSkelList &Skeletons() { return mSkeletons; }

	TSInterpretedSkelList mSkeletons;


class CFFXIAnimHandler : public CFFXIChunkHandler
	struct SAnimHeader
		unsigned short mUnknown;
		unsigned short mElemCount;
		unsigned short mFrameCount;
		float mSpeedScale; //factor with desired frame interval

	//each animation element may reference up to 10 channels, 1 for each component of each transform element
	struct SAnimElemHeader
		int mBoneIndex;
		int mQuatIndex[4];
		RichQuat mQuatBase;
		int mTranIndex[3];
		RichVec3 mTranBase;
		int mScaleIndex[3];
		RichVec3 mScaleBase;

	struct SAnimHeaderData
		explicit SAnimHeaderData(const SAnimHeader *pAnimHdr, const int animDataSize, const char *pName)
			: mpAnimHdr(pAnimHdr)
			, mAnimDataSize(animDataSize)
			memcpy(mName, pName, 4);
			mName[4] = 0;

		const SAnimHeader *mpAnimHdr;
		int mAnimDataSize;
		char mName[8];
	typedef std::vector<SAnimHeaderData> TAnimHeaderList;

		: CFFXIChunkHandler(CFFXIDat::skChunkType_Animation)

	virtual CFFXIDat::EValidateChunkResult ValidateChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
															const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize) const
		if (dataSize <= sizeof(SAnimHeader))
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		const SAnimHeader *pAnimHdr = (const SAnimHeader *)pChunkData;
		const int expectedElemEndOfs = sizeof(SAnimHeader) + sizeof(SAnimElemHeader) * pAnimHdr->mElemCount;
		if (expectedElemEndOfs <= 0 || expectedElemEndOfs > dataSize)
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		//could potentially validate elem offsets if we really care
		//const float *pData = (const float *)(pAnimHdr + 1);
		//const SAnimElemHeader *pElemHdr = (const SAnimElemHeader *)pData;
		return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Supported;

	virtual bool HandleChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
								const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize)
		const SAnimHeader *pAnimHdr = (const SAnimHeader *)pChunkData;
		mAnimHeaderList.push_back(SAnimHeaderData(pAnimHdr, dataSize, chunk.mName));
		return true;

	noesisAnim_t *ConstructAnimations(noeRAPI_t *pRapi, const CFFXISkelHandler::SInterpretedSkel *pSkel) const
		CArrayList<noesisAnim_t *> anims;

		for (TAnimHeaderList::const_iterator it = mAnimHeaderList.begin(); it != mAnimHeaderList.end(); ++it)
			const SAnimHeaderData &animHeaderData = *it;
			const SAnimHeader *pAnimHdr = animHeaderData.mpAnimHdr;
			if (pAnimHdr->mFrameCount > 0 && pAnimHdr->mElemCount > 0)
				const int transformCount = pSkel->mBoneCount * pAnimHdr->mFrameCount;
				//create a parent-relative base frame from the skeleton
				RichMat43 *pBaseMats = (RichMat43 *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(sizeof(RichMat43) * pSkel->mBoneCount);
				for (int boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < pSkel->mBoneCount; ++boneIndex)
					const modelBone_t *pBone = pSkel->mpBones + boneIndex;
					const RichMat43 &boneMat = (const RichMat43 &)pBone->mat;
					if (!pBone->eData.parent)
						pBaseMats[boneIndex] = boneMat;
						const RichMat43 &parentBoneMat = (const RichMat43 &)pBone->eData.parent->mat;
						pBaseMats[boneIndex] = boneMat * parentBoneMat.GetInverse();

				//initialize the anim frames with the default pose
				RichMat43 *pMats = (RichMat43 *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(sizeof(RichMat43) * transformCount);
				for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < pAnimHdr->mFrameCount; ++frameIndex)
					memcpy(pMats + frameIndex * pSkel->mBoneCount, pBaseMats, sizeof(RichMat43) * pSkel->mBoneCount);

				//now modify the transforms
				const SAnimElemHeader *pElems = (const SAnimElemHeader *)(pAnimHdr + 1);
				const float *pAnimData = (const float *)pElems;
				RichQuat frameQ;
				RichVec3 frameT;
				RichVec3 frameS;
				for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < pAnimHdr->mElemCount; ++elemIndex)
					const SAnimElemHeader *pElem = pElems + elemIndex;
					if (pElem->mBoneIndex < 0 || pElem->mBoneIndex >= pSkel->mBoneCount)
						pRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: Out of range animation element! (index %i, but only %i bones)\n",
							pElem->mBoneIndex, pSkel->mBoneCount);

					for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < pAnimHdr->mFrameCount; ++frameIndex)
						RichMat43 *pFrameMats = pMats + pSkel->mBoneCount * frameIndex;
						RichMat43 &mat = pFrameMats[pElem->mBoneIndex];
						if (pElem->mQuatIndex[0] < 0 || pElem->mQuatIndex[1] < 0 || pElem->mQuatIndex[2] < 0 || pElem->mQuatIndex[3] < 0)
							//no change
							mat = pBaseMats[pElem->mBoneIndex];
							frameQ[0] = (pElem->mQuatIndex[0] > 0) ? pAnimData[pElem->mQuatIndex[0] + frameIndex] : pElem->mQuatBase[0];
							frameQ[1] = (pElem->mQuatIndex[1] > 0) ? pAnimData[pElem->mQuatIndex[1] + frameIndex] : pElem->mQuatBase[1];
							frameQ[2] = (pElem->mQuatIndex[2] > 0) ? pAnimData[pElem->mQuatIndex[2] + frameIndex] : pElem->mQuatBase[2];
							frameQ[3] = (pElem->mQuatIndex[3] > 0) ? pAnimData[pElem->mQuatIndex[3] + frameIndex] : pElem->mQuatBase[3];
							frameT[0] = (pElem->mTranIndex[0] > 0) ? pAnimData[pElem->mTranIndex[0] + frameIndex] : pElem->mTranBase[0];
							frameT[1] = (pElem->mTranIndex[1] > 0) ? pAnimData[pElem->mTranIndex[1] + frameIndex] : pElem->mTranBase[1];
							frameT[2] = (pElem->mTranIndex[2] > 0) ? pAnimData[pElem->mTranIndex[2] + frameIndex] : pElem->mTranBase[2];
							frameS[0] = (pElem->mScaleIndex[0] > 0) ? pAnimData[pElem->mScaleIndex[0] + frameIndex] : pElem->mScaleBase[0];
							frameS[1] = (pElem->mScaleIndex[1] > 0) ? pAnimData[pElem->mScaleIndex[1] + frameIndex] : pElem->mScaleBase[1];
							frameS[2] = (pElem->mScaleIndex[2] > 0) ? pAnimData[pElem->mScaleIndex[2] + frameIndex] : pElem->mScaleBase[2];

							const RichVec3 &centerPoint = pBaseMats[pElem->mBoneIndex][3];
							//re-assign, just in case something went wrong with multiple elements referencing a single bone
							mat = pBaseMats[pElem->mBoneIndex];
							mat.TransformQST(&centerPoint, &frameQ, &frameS, &centerPoint, &frameQ, &frameT);

				noesisAnim_t *pAnim = pRapi->rpgAnimFromBonesAndMatsFinish(pSkel->mpBones, pSkel->mBoneCount, (modelMatrix_t *)pMats,
																			pAnimHdr->mFrameCount, pAnimHdr->mSpeedScale * 30.0f);
				if (pAnim)
					pAnim->filename = pRapi->Noesis_PooledString(const_cast<char *>(animHeaderData.mName));

		return (anims.Num() > 0) ? pRapi->Noesis_AnimFromAnimsList(anims, anims.Num()) : NULL;

	bool AnimDataIsPresent() const { return mAnimHeaderList.size() > 0; }

	TAnimHeaderList mAnimHeaderList;


class CFFXIGeoHandler : public CFFXIChunkHandler
	struct SGeoHeader
		//most offsets/sizes are in quantity of shorts
		short mUnknown1;
		unsigned short mVertAndBoneRefFlag;
		unsigned short mMirror;

		int mDrawDataOfs;
		unsigned short mDrawDataSize;

		int mBoneRefOfs;
		unsigned short mBoneRefCount;

		//weird setup - offset to short-sized counts
		int mWeightedVertCountOfs;
		unsigned short mMaxWeightsPerVertex;

		//each data entry contains 2 bone indices and mirror type (see SGeoWeightData)
		int mWeightDataOfs;
		unsigned short mWeightDataCount;

		int mVertOfs;
		unsigned short mVertDataSize;

		int mUnknown2Ofs; //usually offset to end
		unsigned short mUnknown3;
		unsigned short mUnknown4;
		unsigned short mUnknown5;

		int mUnknown6Ofs; //usually offset to end
		unsigned short mUnknown7;

		int mUnknown8;
		int mUnknown9;
		unsigned short mUnknown10;
		unsigned short mUnknown11;

	struct SGeoDrawState
			mEnableShinyMat = false;
			mMaterialName[0] = 0;

		bool mEnableShinyMat;
		char mMaterialName[CFFXITextureHandler::skTexNameLength + 1];

	struct SGeoTriPrim
		unsigned short mIndices[3];
		RichVec2 mUVs[3];

	struct SGeoStripPrim
		unsigned short mIndex;
		RichVec2 mUV;

	struct SGeoWeightData
		unsigned short mBoneIndexPass0 : 7; //unmirrored index
		unsigned short mBoneIndexPass1 : 7; //mirrored index
		unsigned short mMirrorAxis : 2; //only relevant for mirror pass

	struct SGeoNativeDrawState
		unsigned char mColor[4]; //just a guess, "alpha" seems to frequently switch between 0 and 128
		float mUnknown1[2];
		unsigned int mUnknown3;
		float mUnknown4[4];
		unsigned int mUnknown5;
		float mSpecular[2];

	struct SGeoHeaderData
		explicit SGeoHeaderData(const SGeoHeader *pGeoHdr, const int geoDataSize, const char *pName)
			: mpGeoHdr(pGeoHdr)
			, mGeoDataSize(geoDataSize)
			memcpy(mName, pName, 4);
			mName[4] = 0;

		const SGeoHeader *mpGeoHdr;
		int mGeoDataSize;
		char mName[8];
	typedef std::vector<SGeoHeaderData> TGeoHeaderList;

	static const int skVertFlag_NoNormals = 0x7F; //if any of these bits are set, seems to indicate lack of normals. not sure what else this means.
	static const int skVertFlag_UseBoneRefs = 0x80;

	static const int skDrawCmd_SetMaterial = 0x8000;
	static const int skDrawCmd_TriList = 0x0054;
	static const int skDrawCmd_TriStrip = 0x5453;
	static const int skDrawCmd_DrawState = 0x8010;
	static const int skDrawCmd_Unknown2 = 0x4353;
	static const int skDrawCmd_Unknown3 = 0x0043;
	static const int skDrawCmd_End = 0xFFFF;

	static const int skTriCWIdx[3];
	static const int skTriCCWIdx[3];
	static const RichMat44 skMirrorTransforms[3];

		: CFFXIChunkHandler(CFFXIDat::skChunkType_Geo)

	virtual CFFXIDat::EValidateChunkResult ValidateChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
															const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize) const
		if (dataSize <= sizeof(SGeoHeader))
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		const SGeoHeader *pGeoHdr = (const SGeoHeader *)pChunkData;
		if (pGeoHdr->mDrawDataOfs <= 0 || (pGeoHdr->mDrawDataOfs * 2) >= dataSize ||
			pGeoHdr->mVertOfs <= 0 || (pGeoHdr->mVertOfs * 2) >= dataSize ||
			(pGeoHdr->mBoneRefOfs * 2) >= dataSize ||
			(pGeoHdr->mWeightedVertCountOfs * 2) >= dataSize ||
			(pGeoHdr->mWeightDataOfs * 2) >= dataSize ||
			pGeoHdr->mDrawDataSize == 0 || pGeoHdr->mVertDataSize == 0)
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		else if (pGeoHdr->mWeightedVertCountOfs > 0 && pGeoHdr->mMaxWeightsPerVertex != 2)
			//seems to always be in this form, even though the format would allow for more varying amounts of weights per vert
			//if interpreted that way.
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Supported;

	virtual bool HandleChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
								const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize)
		const SGeoHeader *pGeoHdr = (const SGeoHeader *)pChunkData;
		mGeoHeaderList.push_back(SGeoHeaderData(pGeoHdr, dataSize, chunk.mName));
		return true;

	void RenderGeoData(noeRAPI_t *pRapi, const CFFXISkelHandler::SInterpretedSkel *pSkel) const
		for (TGeoHeaderList::const_iterator it = mGeoHeaderList.begin(); it != mGeoHeaderList.end(); ++it)
			const SGeoHeaderData &geoHeaderData = *it;
			const SGeoHeader *pGeoHdr = geoHeaderData.mpGeoHdr;
			const unsigned short *pSData = (const unsigned short *)pGeoHdr;

			pRapi->rpgSetName(const_cast<char *>(geoHeaderData.mName));

			SGeoDrawState drawState;

			const unsigned char *pDrawCommands = (const unsigned char *)(pSData + pGeoHdr->mDrawDataOfs);
			const int drawCommandEndOfs = (pGeoHdr->mDrawDataSize << 1);
			const int drawCommandLastCommandOfs = drawCommandEndOfs - sizeof(unsigned short);
			const int passCount = (pGeoHdr->mMirror) ? 2 : 1;
			for (int passIndex = 0; passIndex < passCount; ++passIndex)
				const bool isMirroring = (passIndex > 0);
				int drawCommandOfs = 0;
				while (drawCommandOfs <= drawCommandLastCommandOfs)
					const unsigned short cmdType = *get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs);
					switch (cmdType)
					case skDrawCmd_DrawState:
							//draw state isn't mapped out. might have 2-sided and blending bits in here.
							const SGeoNativeDrawState *pNativeState = get_and_incr_offset<SGeoNativeDrawState>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs);
							//might be something like exponent and scale?
							drawState.mEnableShinyMat = (pNativeState->mSpecular[0] < 128.0f || pNativeState->mSpecular[1] != 0.0f);
							UpdateDrawState(pRapi, drawState);

					case skDrawCmd_SetMaterial:
							const char *pMatNameData = get_and_incr_offset<char>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs, CFFXITextureHandler::skTexNameLength);
							memcpy(drawState.mMaterialName, pMatNameData, CFFXITextureHandler::skTexNameLength);
							drawState.mMaterialName[CFFXITextureHandler::skTexNameLength] = 0;

							UpdateDrawState(pRapi, drawState);

					case skDrawCmd_TriList:
							const unsigned short primCount = *get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs);
							const int primDataSize = sizeof(SGeoTriPrim) * primCount;
							const SGeoTriPrim *pTris = get_and_incr_offset<SGeoTriPrim>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs, primCount);


							const int *pTriWindIdx = (isMirroring) ? skTriCCWIdx : skTriCWIdx;
							for (int triIdx = 0; triIdx < primCount; ++triIdx)
								const SGeoTriPrim *pTri = pTris + triIdx;
								for (int triVertIdx = 0; triVertIdx < 3; ++triVertIdx)
									const int windIdx = pTriWindIdx[triVertIdx];
									//really need to fix the fucking constness on these functions one of these days.
									pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(const_cast<float *>(pTri->mUVs[windIdx].v), 0);
									PlotVertex(pRapi, pTri->mIndices[windIdx], isMirroring, pGeoHdr, pSkel);


					case skDrawCmd_TriStrip:
							const unsigned short primCount = *get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs);
							const int stripVertCount = primCount - 1;
							const SGeoTriPrim *pFirstTri = get_and_incr_offset<SGeoTriPrim>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs);
							const SGeoStripPrim *pStripVerts = get_and_incr_offset<SGeoStripPrim>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs, stripVertCount);

							const rpgeoPrimType_e stripType = (isMirroring) ? RPGEO_TRIANGLE_STRIP_FLIPPED : RPGEO_TRIANGLE_STRIP;

							for (int triVertIdx = 0; triVertIdx < 3; ++triVertIdx)
								pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(const_cast<float *>(pFirstTri->mUVs[triVertIdx].v), 0);
								PlotVertex(pRapi, pFirstTri->mIndices[triVertIdx], isMirroring, pGeoHdr, pSkel);
							for (int stripIdx = 0; stripIdx < stripVertCount; ++stripIdx)
								const SGeoStripPrim *pStripVert = pStripVerts + stripIdx;
								pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(const_cast<float *>(pStripVert->mUV.v), 0);
								PlotVertex(pRapi, pStripVert->mIndex, isMirroring, pGeoHdr, pSkel);


					case skDrawCmd_Unknown2:
							const unsigned short primCount = *get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs);
							get_and_incr_offset<unsigned char>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs, 8);
							get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs, primCount);

					case skDrawCmd_Unknown3:
							const unsigned short primCount = *get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs);
							get_and_incr_offset<unsigned char>(pDrawCommands, drawCommandOfs, primCount * 10);

							NoeAssert(cmdType == skDrawCmd_End);
							drawCommandOfs = drawCommandEndOfs;

		if (pSkel)
			pRapi->rpgSetExData_Bones(pSkel->mpBones, pSkel->mBoneCount);

	bool GeoDataIsPresent() const { return mGeoHeaderList.size() > 0; }

	static void PlotVertex(noeRAPI_t *pRapi, const int index, const bool isMirroring,
							const SGeoHeader *pGeoHdr, const CFFXISkelHandler::SInterpretedSkel *pSkel)
		const unsigned short *pSData = (const unsigned short *)pGeoHdr;
		const bool isSkinned = (pSkel && pGeoHdr->mWeightedVertCountOfs > 0 && pGeoHdr->mWeightDataOfs > 0);
		const bool noNormals = (pGeoHdr->mVertAndBoneRefFlag & skVertFlag_NoNormals) != 0;
		int oneWeightVertCount;
		if (pGeoHdr->mWeightedVertCountOfs > 0)
			const unsigned short *pWeightedCounts = pSData + pGeoHdr->mWeightedVertCountOfs;
			oneWeightVertCount = pWeightedCounts[0];
			//consider every vert single-weight
			oneWeightVertCount = 0x10000;

		const int weightCount = (index < oneWeightVertCount) ? 1 : 2;
		const int oneWeightVertSize = (noNormals) ? sizeof(float) * 3 : sizeof(float) * 6;
		const int twoWeightVertSize = oneWeightVertSize * 2 + sizeof(float) * 2;
		const int oneWeightVertElemCount = (oneWeightVertSize >> 2);
		const int twoWeightVertElemCount = (twoWeightVertSize >> 2);

		const int firstTwoWeightElemIndex = oneWeightVertCount * oneWeightVertElemCount;

		const float *pVertElems = (const float *)(pSData + pGeoHdr->mVertOfs);
		const float *pVertData = (weightCount == 1) ? pVertElems + index * oneWeightVertElemCount :
									pVertElems + firstTwoWeightElemIndex + (index - oneWeightVertCount) * twoWeightVertElemCount;
		const float *pNrmVertData = (noNormals) ? NULL : pVertData + 3 * weightCount + ((weightCount > 1) ? weightCount : 0);
		//interleaved elements for each weight, pretty nasty.
		if (!isSkinned)
			pRapi->rpgVertBoneIndexI(NULL, 0);
			pRapi->rpgVertBoneWeightF(NULL, 0);
			if (pNrmVertData)
				const RichVec3 nrm(pNrmVertData[0 * weightCount], pNrmVertData[1 * weightCount], pNrmVertData[2 * weightCount]);
				pRapi->rpgVertNormal3f(const_cast<float *>(nrm.v));
			const RichVec3 pos(pVertData[0 * weightCount], pVertData[1 * weightCount], pVertData[2 * weightCount]);
			pRapi->rpgVertex3f(const_cast<float *>(pos.v));
			const unsigned short *pBoneRefs = ((pGeoHdr->mVertAndBoneRefFlag & skVertFlag_UseBoneRefs) && pGeoHdr->mBoneRefOfs > 0) ?
												pSData + pGeoHdr->mBoneRefOfs : NULL;

			static const float skDefaultWeights[2] = { 1.0f, 0.0f };
			const SGeoWeightData *pWeightDatas = (const SGeoWeightData *)(pSData + pGeoHdr->mWeightDataOfs) + index * 2;
			int boneIndices[2] = { 0, 0 };
			RichMat44 skinMats[2]; //we pull the matrices out, as we may end up needing to modify them for mirroring anyway. could be optimized.
			for (int weightIndex = 0; weightIndex < weightCount; ++weightIndex)
				const SGeoWeightData *pWeightData = pWeightDatas + weightIndex;
				int &boneIndex = boneIndices[weightIndex];
				boneIndex = (isMirroring) ? pWeightData->mBoneIndexPass1 : pWeightData->mBoneIndexPass0;
				NoeAssert(!pBoneRefs || boneIndex < pGeoHdr->mBoneRefCount);
				if (pBoneRefs && boneIndex < pGeoHdr->mBoneRefCount)
					boneIndex = pBoneRefs[boneIndex];
				NoeAssert(boneIndex >= 0 && boneIndex < pSkel->mBoneCount);
				skinMats[weightIndex] = ((RichMat43 *)&pSkel->mpBones[boneIndex].mat)->ToMat44();
				if (isMirroring && pWeightData->mMirrorAxis)
					skinMats[weightIndex] = skMirrorTransforms[pWeightData->mMirrorAxis - 1] * skinMats[weightIndex];
			const float *pWeightValues = (weightCount > 1) ? pVertData + 3 * weightCount : skDefaultWeights;
			//feed 2 weights to Noesis in order to keep consistent per-triangle. Noesis doesn't require this, but this allows the draws between
			//1 and 2 weight segments to not be partitioned.
			pRapi->rpgVertBoneIndexI(const_cast<int *>(boneIndices), 2);
			pRapi->rpgVertBoneWeightF(const_cast<float *>(pWeightValues), 2);

			//now that we've pulled the weights out and fed them in, we need to put our verts in model space.
			RichVec4 transformedPos;
			RichVec3 transformedNrm;
			for (int weightIndex = 0; weightIndex < weightCount; ++weightIndex)
				const RichMat44 &skinMat = skinMats[weightIndex];
				const RichVec4 pos(
					pVertData[weightIndex + 0 * weightCount],
					pVertData[weightIndex + 1 * weightCount],
					pVertData[weightIndex + 2 * weightCount],
					//this is certainly one of the most terrible ways you can possibly do weighted transforms. we're effectively weighting the
					//matrix translation with each transform. this is why the per-weight positions are needed. so, rather than having to actually
					//weight each translation, we can just stuff the weight into the w for our 4x4 transform.

				transformedPos += skinMat.TransformVec4(pos);

				if (pNrmVertData)
					const RichVec3 nrm(
						pNrmVertData[weightIndex + 0 * weightCount],
						pNrmVertData[weightIndex + 1 * weightCount],
						pNrmVertData[weightIndex + 2 * weightCount]
					//this is inconsistent with the position transform, but appears to be in line with the game itself.
					transformedNrm += skinMat.TransformNormal(nrm) * pWeightValues[weightIndex];

			if (pNrmVertData)

	static void UpdateDrawState(noeRAPI_t *pRapi, SGeoDrawState &drawState)
		if (drawState.mEnableShinyMat && (!gpFF11Opts || !gpFF11Opts->noShinyMaterials))
			char materialName[CFFXITextureHandler::skTexNameLength + CFFXITextureHandler::skMaterialNamePad];
			sprintf_s(materialName, "%s%s", drawState.mMaterialName, CFFXITextureHandler::skpShinySuffix);

	TGeoHeaderList mGeoHeaderList;

const RichMat44 CFFXIGeoHandler::skMirrorTransforms[3] =

const int CFFXIGeoHandler::skTriCWIdx[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };

const int CFFXIGeoHandler::skTriCCWIdx[3] = { 2, 1, 0 };


class CFFXIMapHandler : public CFFXIChunkHandler
	struct SMapHeader
		unsigned char mHeaderData[4];
		unsigned int mObjectCount : 24;
		unsigned int mUnknown1 : 8;
		unsigned int mUnknown2[6];

	static const int skObjectNameLength = 16;
	struct SMapObject
		char mObjectName[skObjectNameLength];
		RichVec3 mTrans;
		float mRawAngles[3];
		RichVec3 mScale;

		RichVec4 mVec;
		int mData2[8];

	struct SInterpretedMapObject
		explicit SInterpretedMapObject(const SMapObject *pMapObject)
			mTransform = RichAngles(pMapObject->mRawAngles, true).ToMat43_XYZ();
			mTransform[3] = pMapObject->mTrans;
			mTransform[0][0] *= pMapObject->mScale[0];
			mTransform[1][0] *= pMapObject->mScale[0];
			mTransform[2][0] *= pMapObject->mScale[0];
			mTransform[0][1] *= pMapObject->mScale[1];
			mTransform[1][1] *= pMapObject->mScale[1];
			mTransform[2][1] *= pMapObject->mScale[1];
			mTransform[0][2] *= pMapObject->mScale[2];
			mTransform[1][2] *= pMapObject->mScale[2];
			mTransform[2][2] *= pMapObject->mScale[2];
			mBackwardWinding = (pMapObject->mScale[0] * pMapObject->mScale[1] * pMapObject->mScale[2]) < 0.0f;
			memcpy(mObjectName, pMapObject->mObjectName, skObjectNameLength);
			mObjectFlags[0] = pMapObject->mData2[0];
			mObjectFlags[1] = pMapObject->mData2[4];
			mVec = pMapObject->mVec;

		char mObjectName[skObjectNameLength];

		RichMat43 mTransform;
		bool mBackwardWinding;

		unsigned int mObjectFlags[2];
		RichVec4 mVec;
	typedef std::vector<SInterpretedMapObject> TMapObjectList;

		: CFFXIChunkHandler(CFFXIDat::skChunkType_Map)

	virtual CFFXIDat::EValidateChunkResult ValidateChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
															const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize) const
		if (dataSize < 16)
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		else if (pChunkData[3] < 0x1B)
			if ((*(unsigned int *)pChunkData & 0xFFFFFF) != 0x00425a4d) //MZB
				return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
			const int dataLen = ((*(const unsigned int *)pChunkData) & 0xFFFFFF);
			if (dataLen > dataSize ||
				(dataLen + 16) < dataSize)
				return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Supported;

	virtual bool HandleChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
								const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize)
		noeRAPI_t *pRapi = dat.GetRAPI();
		unsigned char *pDecrypted = (unsigned char *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(dataSize);
		memcpy(pDecrypted, pChunkData, dataSize);
		Model_FF11_DecryptMZB(pDecrypted, dataSize);

		const SMapHeader *pMapHdr = (const SMapHeader *)pDecrypted;
		const SMapObject *pMapObjects = (const SMapObject *)(pMapHdr + 1);

		mMapObjects.reserve(mMapObjects.size() + pMapHdr->mObjectCount);
		for (unsigned int objectIndex = 0; objectIndex < pMapHdr->mObjectCount; ++objectIndex)
			const SMapObject *pMapObject = pMapObjects + objectIndex;

		//data following map objects isn't mapped out, but likely pertains to visibiltiy and partitioning

		return true;

	TMapObjectList &MapObjects() { return mMapObjects; }

	TMapObjectList mMapObjects;


class CFFXIMapGeoHandler : public CFFXIChunkHandler
	struct SMapGeoHeader
		unsigned char mHeaderData[4];
		unsigned int mUnknown1;
		char mUnknownName[8];
		char mObjectName[CFFXIMapHandler::skObjectNameLength];

	struct SMapGeoData
		explicit SMapGeoData(const SMapGeoHeader *pMapGeoHdr, noeRAPI_t *pAllocatingInstance, const int dataSize)
			: mpMapGeoHdr(pMapGeoHdr)
			, mpAllocatingInstance(pAllocatingInstance)
			, mDataSize(dataSize)

		const SMapGeoHeader *mpMapGeoHdr;
		noeRAPI_t *mpAllocatingInstance;
		int mDataSize;
	typedef std::vector<SMapGeoData> TMapGeoList;

	struct SDrawHeader
		int mSegCount;
		float mBounds[6];
		int mFlag; //typically 64 for super header, varying for sub

	static const int skMapGeoFlag_BlendHardAlpha = 0x2000;
	static const int skMapGeoFlag_BlendTerrain = 0x8000;

	static const int skDefaultVertColorFixShift = 1;
	static const int skDefaultVertAlphaFixShift = 1;

		: CFFXIChunkHandler(CFFXIDat::skChunkType_MapGeo)
		, mMapGeoHash(CFFXIMapHandler::skObjectNameLength)

	virtual ~CFFXIMapGeoHandler()
		for (TMapGeoList::iterator it = mMapGeoList.begin(); it != mMapGeoList.end(); ++it)
			SMapGeoData &geoData = *it;
			geoData.mpAllocatingInstance->Noesis_UnpooledFree((void *)geoData.mpMapGeoHdr);

	virtual CFFXIDat::EValidateChunkResult ValidateChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
															const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize) const
		if (dataSize < 16)
			return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		else if (pChunkData[3] < 5)
			if ((*(unsigned int *)pChunkData & 0xFFFFFF) != 0x00424d4d) //MMB
				return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
			const int dataLen = ((*(const unsigned int *)pChunkData) & 0xFFFFFF);
			if (dataLen > dataSize ||
				(dataLen + 16) < dataSize)
				return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Invalid;
		return CFFXIDat::kVCR_Supported;

	virtual bool HandleChunk(const CFFXIDat &dat, const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk,
								const unsigned char *pChunkData, const int dataSize)
		noeRAPI_t *pRapi = dat.GetRAPI();
		unsigned char *pDecrypted = (unsigned char *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(dataSize);
		memcpy(pDecrypted, pChunkData, dataSize);
		Model_FF11_DecryptMMB(pDecrypted, dataSize);

		const SMapGeoHeader *pMapGeoHdr = (const SMapGeoHeader *)pDecrypted;
		const int index = mMapGeoList.size();
		mMapGeoList.push_back(SMapGeoData(pMapGeoHdr, pRapi, dataSize));
		mMapGeoHash.FindOrAddResource(pMapGeoHdr->mObjectName, index, true);
		return true;

	void RenderMapObjectGeo(noeRAPI_t *pRapi, const int index, const RichMat43 &transform, const bool backwardWinding,
							const CFFXIMapHandler::SInterpretedMapObject *pMapObject)
		SMapGeoData &geoData = mMapGeoList[index];
		const SMapGeoHeader *pMapGeoHdr = geoData.mpMapGeoHdr;
		const unsigned char *pDrawData = (const unsigned char *)pMapGeoHdr;
		const int endDrawOfs = geoData.mDataSize - sizeof(SDrawHeader);
		const unsigned int objectFlags0 = (pMapObject) ? pMapObject->mObjectFlags[0] : 0;
		const unsigned int objectFlags1 = (pMapObject) ? pMapObject->mObjectFlags[1] : 0;

#if !defined(_DEBUG_MAP_MESHES)
		if (gpFF11Opts && gpFF11Opts->keepNames)
			char nameString[CFFXIMapHandler::skObjectNameLength + 1];
			memcpy(nameString, pMapGeoHdr->mObjectName, CFFXIMapHandler::skObjectNameLength);
			nameString[CFFXIMapHandler::skObjectNameLength] = 0;

		pRapi->rpgSetTransform(const_cast<modelMatrix_t *>(&transform.m));

		char matName[CFFXITextureHandler::skTexNameLength + CFFXITextureHandler::skMaterialNamePad];

		int drawOfs = sizeof(SMapGeoHeader);
		while (drawOfs <= endDrawOfs)
			const SDrawHeader *pSuperHeader = get_and_incr_offset<SDrawHeader>(pDrawData, drawOfs);
			for (int superIndex = 0; superIndex < pSuperHeader->mSegCount && drawOfs <= endDrawOfs; ++superIndex)
				const SDrawHeader *pSubHeader = get_and_incr_offset<SDrawHeader>(pDrawData, drawOfs);
				for (int subIndex = 0; subIndex < pSubHeader->mSegCount && drawOfs <= endDrawOfs; ++subIndex)
					NoeAssert((drawOfs & 3) == 0);
					const char *pMatName = get_and_incr_offset<char>(pDrawData, drawOfs, CFFXITextureHandler::skTexNameLength);

					const unsigned short vertCount = *get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawData, drawOfs);
					const unsigned short blendFlags = *get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawData, drawOfs);
					const int vertStride = (pSubHeader->mFlag == 0) ? 48 : 36;
					const unsigned char *pVertData = get_and_incr_offset<unsigned char>(pDrawData, drawOfs, vertStride * vertCount);
					const unsigned short indexCount = *get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawData, drawOfs);
					const unsigned short flags2 = *get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawData, drawOfs);
					const unsigned short *pIndexData = get_and_incr_offset<unsigned short>(pDrawData, drawOfs, indexCount);
					align_offset(drawOfs, 4);

#if defined(_DEBUG_MAP_MESHES)
					//segment things up to give us some more info about each mesh in debug
					char nameString[CFFXIMapHandler::skObjectNameLength + 128];
					memcpy(nameString, pMapGeoHdr->mObjectName, CFFXIMapHandler::skObjectNameLength);
					//sprintf_s(&nameString[CFFXIMapHandler::skObjectNameLength], 128, "_fl%08x_fb%08x_ps%08x_bl%08x",
					//			objectFlags0, objectFlags1, pSubHeader->mFlag, blendFlags);
					sprintf_s(&nameString[CFFXIMapHandler::skObjectNameLength], 128, "_fl%08x_x%.02fy%.02fz%.02fw%.02f",
								objectFlags0, pMapObject->mVec[0], pMapObject->mVec[1], pMapObject->mVec[2], pMapObject->mVec[3]);

					memcpy(matName, pMatName, CFFXITextureHandler::skTexNameLength);
					matName[CFFXITextureHandler::skTexNameLength] = 0;
					int candidateBlendFlags = skMapGeoFlag_BlendTerrain;
					//this is pretty certainly not correct
					const bool explicitObjectTransparency = (objectFlags0 & 0x01000000) != 0;
					if (explicitObjectTransparency)
						candidateBlendFlags |= skMapGeoFlag_BlendHardAlpha;
					//this is a bunch of bullshit, still not sure what reliably controls blended objects.
					//terrain blend flags are definitely in blendFlags, but lots of non-terrain objects still look to need blending.
					const bool shouldBlend = ((explicitObjectTransparency && vertStride == 48) || (blendFlags & candidateBlendFlags) ||
												(pMapObject && objectFlags0 == 0x01000000 && pMapObject->mVec[3] < 1000.0f));
					const char *pBlendSuffix = (shouldBlend) ?
												CFFXITextureHandler::skpSoftBlendSuffix : CFFXITextureHandler::skpNoBlendSuffix;
					strcpy_s(&matName[CFFXITextureHandler::skTexNameLength], CFFXITextureHandler::skMaterialNamePad, pBlendSuffix);

					if (vertCount == 0 || indexCount < 3)
						pRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: Unexpected vert/index count.\n");
					else if (drawOfs > geoData.mDataSize)
						pRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: Ran off end of MapGeo.\n");

					int posOfs, nrmOfs, clrOfs, uvOfs;
					switch (vertStride)
					case 48:
						posOfs = 0;
						nrmOfs = 24;
						clrOfs = 36;
						uvOfs = 40;
						NoeAssert(vertStride == 36);
						posOfs = 0;
						nrmOfs = 12;
						clrOfs = 24;
						uvOfs = 28;

					const int colorShift = (gpFF11Opts && gpFF11Opts->explicitVertColorShift) ?
											gpFF11Opts->fixVertColorShift : skDefaultVertColorFixShift;
					const int alphaShift = (gpFF11Opts && gpFF11Opts->explicitVertAlphaShift) ?
											gpFF11Opts->fixVertAlphaShift : skDefaultVertAlphaFixShift;

					const unsigned int debugSeedBase = 0;

					if (pSubHeader->mFlag == 0)
						//tri list
						const int *pTriWindIdx = (backwardWinding) ? CFFXIGeoHandler::skTriCCWIdx : CFFXIGeoHandler::skTriCWIdx;
						for (int index = 0; index < indexCount; index += 3)
							for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < 3; ++triIndex)
								const int vertIndex = pIndexData[index + pTriWindIdx[triIndex]];
								const unsigned char *pVert = pVertData + vertIndex * vertStride;
								PlotMapVertex(pRapi, pVert, posOfs, nrmOfs, clrOfs, uvOfs, colorShift, alphaShift, debugSeedBase);
						//tri strip
						const rpgeoPrimType_e primType = (backwardWinding) ? RPGEO_TRIANGLE_STRIP_FLIPPED : RPGEO_TRIANGLE_STRIP;
						for (int index = 0; index < indexCount; ++index)
							const int vertIndex = pIndexData[index];
							const unsigned char *pVert = pVertData + vertIndex * vertStride;
							PlotMapVertex(pRapi, pVert, posOfs, nrmOfs, clrOfs, uvOfs, colorShift, alphaShift, debugSeedBase);


	void RenderMapObjectGeoForMapObject(noeRAPI_t *pRapi, const CFFXIMapHandler::SInterpretedMapObject &mapObject)
		const int index = mMapGeoHash.FindOrAddResource(mapObject.mObjectName, -1);
		if (index < 0)
			pRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: Could not find object in resource hash, skipping.\n");
			RenderMapObjectGeo(pRapi, index, mapObject.mTransform, mapObject.mBackwardWinding, &mapObject);

	const TMapGeoList &GetMapGeoList() const { return mMapGeoList; }

	void PlotMapVertex(noeRAPI_t *pRapi, const unsigned char *pVert, const int posOfs, const int nrmOfs, const int clrOfs, const int uvOfs,
						const int colorShift, const int alphaShift, const unsigned int debugSeedBase)
		pRapi->rpgVertNormal3f((float *)(pVert + nrmOfs));
		if (!debugSeedBase)
			pRapi->rpgVertUV2f((float *)(pVert + uvOfs), 0);
			if (!gpFF11Opts || !gpFF11Opts->noVertColors)
				if (colorShift || alphaShift)
					//fix the color/alpha range
					unsigned char clr[4];
					memcpy(clr, pVert + clrOfs, 4);
					clr[0] = (unsigned char)std::min<int>((int)clr[0] << colorShift, 255);
					clr[1] = (unsigned char)std::min<int>((int)clr[1] << colorShift, 255);
					clr[2] = (unsigned char)std::min<int>((int)clr[2] << colorShift, 255);
					clr[3] = (unsigned char)std::min<int>((int)clr[3] << alphaShift, 255);
					pRapi->rpgVertColor4ub(const_cast<unsigned char *>(pVert + clrOfs));
			unsigned int debugSeed = debugSeedBase;
			pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(NULL, 0);
			const float debugColor[4] =
				g_mfn->Math_RandFloatOnSeed(0.5f, 1.0f, debugSeed),
				g_mfn->Math_RandFloatOnSeed(0.5f, 1.0f, debugSeed),
				g_mfn->Math_RandFloatOnSeed(0.5f, 1.0f, debugSeed),
			pRapi->rpgVertColor4f(const_cast<float *>(debugColor));

		pRapi->rpgVertex3f((float *)(pVert + posOfs));

	TMapGeoList mMapGeoList;
	CLocalResHash mMapGeoHash;


bool Model_FF11_CheckDAT(BYTE *fileBuffer, int bufferLen, noeRAPI_t *rapi)
	CFFXIDat dat(fileBuffer, bufferLen, rapi);
	CFFXIDefaultHandlerSet datHandlers(&dat);

	return dat.ParseChunksOfInterest();

static noesisModel_t *Model_FF11_ConstructModelFromHandlerSet(noeRAPI_t *pRapi, CFFXIDefaultHandlerSet &datHandlers, bool promptForExternalSkel)
	noesisMatData_t *pMd = NULL;

	CFFXITextureHandler *pTextureHandler = datHandlers.TextureHandler();
	if (pTextureHandler->Textures().Num() > 0)
		pMd = pRapi->Noesis_GetMatDataFromLists(pTextureHandler->Materials(), pTextureHandler->Textures());

	noesisModel_t *pMdl = NULL;

	//possible todo - can we have more than 1 skeleton in a dat with skinned geo and/or anims?
	const CFFXISkelHandler::SInterpretedSkel *pSkel = NULL;
	CFFXISkelHandler *pSkelHandler = datHandlers.SkelHandler();
	if (pSkelHandler->Skeletons().size() > 0)
		//just pick the first skeleton for now
		pSkel = &pSkelHandler->Skeletons()[0];

	noesisAnim_t *pAnim = NULL;
	const CFFXIAnimHandler *pAnimHandler = datHandlers.AnimHandler();
	const CFFXIGeoHandler *pGeoHandler = datHandlers.GeoHandler();

	CFFXIDat *pSkelDat = NULL;
	unsigned char *pSkelDatBuffer = NULL;
	if (promptForExternalSkel &&
		!pSkel &&
		(pAnimHandler->AnimDataIsPresent() || pGeoHandler->GeoDataIsPresent()))
		//prompt to load skeleton from another dat
		int skelDatSize = 0;
		pSkelDatBuffer = pRapi->Noesis_LoadPairedFile("FFXI Skeleton DAT", ".dat", skelDatSize, NULL);
		if (pSkelDatBuffer)
			pSkelDat = new CFFXIDat(pSkelDatBuffer, skelDatSize, pRapi);
			//register the existing handlers with the new dat and just load the skeleton (and possibly animations) into the exisating handlers.
			if (pSkelDat->ParseChunksOfInterest() &&
				if (pSkelHandler->Skeletons().size() > 0)
					pSkel = &pSkelHandler->Skeletons()[0];
					if (!pAnimHandler->AnimDataIsPresent())
					{ //if there are no animations in the dat being loaded, try loading them from the skeleton dat.

	if (pAnimHandler->AnimDataIsPresent())
		if (!pSkel)
			pRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: Discarding animation data, because no skeleton is present.\n");
			pAnim = pAnimHandler->ConstructAnimations(pRapi, pSkel);

	CFFXIMapHandler *pMapHandler = datHandlers.MapHandler();
	CFFXIMapGeoHandler *pMapGeoHandler = datHandlers.MapGeoHandler();
	const CFFXIMapGeoHandler::TMapGeoList &mapGeoList = pMapGeoHandler->GetMapGeoList();
	const int mapGeoCount = mapGeoList.size();

	const bool anyGeoDataIsPresent = (mapGeoCount > 0 || pGeoHandler->GeoDataIsPresent());

	void *pCtx = NULL;
	if (anyGeoDataIsPresent)
		pCtx = pRapi->rpgCreateContext();
		pRapi->rpgSetOption(RPGOPT_TRIWINDBACKWARD, true);

	//render any character data
	if (pGeoHandler->GeoDataIsPresent())
		pGeoHandler->RenderGeoData(pRapi, pSkel);

	//check for map geo, and toss it into the same rpg context (for now - if these things are often present at once, throwing into separate
	//models probably makes sense)
	if (mapGeoCount > 0)
		CFFXIMapHandler::TMapObjectList &mapObjects = pMapHandler->MapObjects();
		if (mapObjects.size() > 0)
			for (CFFXIMapHandler::TMapObjectList::const_iterator it = mapObjects.begin(); it != mapObjects.end(); ++it)
				const CFFXIMapHandler::SInterpretedMapObject &mapObject = *it;
				pMapGeoHandler->RenderMapObjectGeoForMapObject(pRapi, mapObject);

			if (gpFF11Opts && gpFF11Opts->renderUnreferenced)
				RichMat43 unreferencedTransform;
				//run through and manually render any geometry that wasn't referenced by a map object
				for (int mapGeoIndex = 0; mapGeoIndex < mapGeoCount; ++mapGeoIndex)
					//not particularly concerned about speed here, it's not a default option
					const CFFXIMapGeoHandler::SMapGeoData &mapGeoData = mapGeoList[mapGeoIndex];
					bool isReferenced = false;
					for (CFFXIMapHandler::TMapObjectList::const_iterator it = mapObjects.begin(); it != mapObjects.end(); ++it)
						const CFFXIMapHandler::SInterpretedMapObject &mapObject = *it;
						if (memcmp(mapGeoData.mpMapGeoHdr->mObjectName, mapObject.mObjectName, CFFXIMapHandler::skObjectNameLength) == 0)
							isReferenced = true;

					if (!isReferenced)
						pMapGeoHandler->RenderMapObjectGeo(pRapi, mapGeoIndex, unreferencedTransform, false, NULL);
			//if no map data exists alongside the map geo, just render the raw data at identity
			RichMat43 defaultTransform;
			for (int mapGeoIndex = 0; mapGeoIndex < mapGeoCount; ++mapGeoIndex)
				pMapGeoHandler->RenderMapObjectGeo(pRapi, mapGeoIndex, defaultTransform, false, NULL);

	//construct the model from the combined rendering
	if (pCtx)
		if (pAnim)
		if (pMd)

		if (gpFF11Opts && gpFF11Opts->optimizeGeo)
			pMdl = pRapi->rpgConstructModel();
			pMdl = pRapi->rpgConstructModelAndSort();

	//if a model wasn't constructed, create a container for any anims and/or textures we loaded
	if ((pAnim || pMd) && !pMdl)
		pMdl = pRapi->Noesis_AllocModelContainer(pMd, pAnim, (pAnim) ? 1 : 0);

	//free second skeleton dat if it was created
	if (pSkelDatBuffer)
		if (pSkelDat)
			delete pSkelDat;

	return pMdl;

static void Model_FF11_SetPreviewOffset(noeRAPI_t *pRapi)
	float mdlAngOfs[3] = { 0.0f, 180.0f, 270.0f };

noesisModel_t *Model_FF11_LoadDAT(BYTE *fileBuffer, int bufferLen, int &numMdl, noeRAPI_t *rapi)
	CFFXIDat dat(fileBuffer, bufferLen, rapi);
	CFFXIDefaultHandlerSet datHandlers(&dat);

	if (!dat.RunChunkHandlersForChunksOfInterest())
		rapi->LogOutput("Error: Unrecoverable error during chunk handling.\n");
		return NULL;

	noesisModel_t *pMdl = Model_FF11_ConstructModelFromHandlerSet(rapi, datHandlers, true);


	numMdl = (pMdl) ? 1 : 0;
	return pMdl;

ff11Opts_t *gpFF11Opts = NULL;

#define FF11_LOCAL_DECL_OPTS(argRequired) \
	ff11Opts_t *pOpts = (ff11Opts_t *)store; \
	NoeAssert(storeSize == sizeof(ff11Opts_t)); \
	if (argRequired && !arg) \
	{ \
		return false; \

bool Model_FF11_ShiftColorHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	pOpts->fixColorShift = atoi(arg);
	pOpts->explicitColorShift = true;
	return true;

bool Model_FF11_ShiftAlphaHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	pOpts->fixAlphaShift = atoi(arg);
	pOpts->explicitAlphaShift = true;
	return true;

bool Model_FF11_ShiftVertColorHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	pOpts->fixVertColorShift = atoi(arg);
	pOpts->explicitVertColorShift = true;
	return true;

bool Model_FF11_ShiftVertAlphaHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	pOpts->fixVertAlphaShift = atoi(arg);
	pOpts->explicitVertAlphaShift = true;
	return true;

bool Model_FF11_NoShinyHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	pOpts->noShinyMaterials = true;
	return true;

bool Model_FF11_NoVertColorHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	pOpts->noVertColors = true;
	return true;

bool Model_FF11_ForceCullHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	pOpts->forceCull = true;
	return true;

bool Model_FF11_RenderUnreferencedHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	pOpts->renderUnreferenced = true;
	return true;

bool Model_FF11_KeepNamesHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	pOpts->keepNames = true;
	return true;

bool Model_FF11_OptimizeGeoHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	pOpts->optimizeGeo = true;
	return true;

static const char *skpDatSetHeader = "NOESIS_FF11_DAT_SET";
static const int skDatSetHeaderSize = strlen(skpDatSetHeader);

bool Model_FF11_CheckDATSet(BYTE *fileBuffer, int bufferLen, noeRAPI_t *rapi)
	if (bufferLen <= skDatSetHeaderSize || memcmp(fileBuffer, skpDatSetHeader, skDatSetHeaderSize) != 0)
		return false;
	return true;

noesisModel_t *Model_FF11_LoadDATSet(BYTE *fileBuffer, int bufferLen, int &numMdl, noeRAPI_t *rapi)
	std::vector<CFFXIDat *> dats;
	CFFXIDefaultHandlerSet datHandlers;

	char basePath[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
	rapi->Noesis_GetDirForFilePath(basePath, rapi->Noesis_GetLastCheckedName());
	char loadPath[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
	strcpy_s(loadPath, basePath);

	char currentDatName[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
	char currentDatFilename[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];

	textParser_t *pParser = rapi->Parse_InitParser((char *)fileBuffer);
	parseToken_t tok;
	while (rapi->Parse_GetNextToken(pParser, &tok))
		if (!stricmp(tok.text, "setPathKey"))
			HKEY baseKey;
			rapi->Parse_GetNextToken(pParser, &tok);
			if (!stricmp(tok.text, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"))
			else if (!stricmp(tok.text, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"))
				baseKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
			else if (!stricmp(tok.text, "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG"))
			else if (!stricmp(tok.text, "HKEY_USERS"))
				baseKey = HKEY_USERS;
			else if (!stricmp(tok.text, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"))
				baseKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
			{ //default to local machine

			//grab the key name
			rapi->Parse_GetNextToken(pParser, &tok);
			HKEY key;
			if (RegOpenKeyExA(baseKey, tok.text, 0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
				//grab the value name
				rapi->Parse_GetNextToken(pParser, &tok);
				char keyData[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
				DWORD keyDataSize = MAX_NOESIS_PATH;
				DWORD keyType;
				if (RegQueryValueExA(key, tok.text, NULL, &keyType, (LPBYTE)keyData, &keyDataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
					strcpy_s(loadPath, keyData);
		else if (!stricmp(tok.text, "setPathRel"))
			//set the path relative to this file's location
			rapi->Parse_GetNextToken(pParser, &tok);
			sprintf_s(loadPath, "%s%s", basePath, tok.text);
		else if (!stricmp(tok.text, "setPathAbs"))
			//set an absolute path
			rapi->Parse_GetNextToken(pParser, &tok);
			strcpy_s(loadPath, tok.text);
		else if (!stricmp(tok.text, "dat"))
			rapi->Parse_GetNextToken(pParser, &tok);
			strcpy_s(currentDatName, tok.text);
			//grab the filename
			rapi->Parse_GetNextToken(pParser, &tok);
			sprintf_s(currentDatFilename, "%s%s", loadPath, tok.text);

			int datBufferSize;
			unsigned char *pDatBuffer = rapi->Noesis_ReadFile(currentDatFilename, &datBufferSize);
			if (pDatBuffer)
				CFFXIDat *pDat = new CFFXIDat(pDatBuffer, datBufferSize, rapi);

				if (!stricmp(currentDatName, "__skeleton"))
				else if (!stricmp(currentDatName, "__animation"))
					//else, name is currently unused. might be useful for future functionality.
				rapi->LogOutput("Failed to load file: '%s'\n", currentDatFilename);

	if (!datHandlers.TextureHandler())
		//if any of the handlers are null, we didn't encouner a single loadable dat.
		rapi->LogOutput("Error: No relevant data was loaded.\n");
		return NULL;

	noesisModel_t *pMdl = Model_FF11_ConstructModelFromHandlerSet(rapi, datHandlers, false);


	for (std::vector<CFFXIDat *>::iterator it = dats.begin(); it != dats.end(); ++it)
		CFFXIDat *pDat = *it;
		rapi->Noesis_UnpooledFree((void *)pDat->GetData());
		delete pDat;

	numMdl = (pMdl) ? 1 : 0;
	return pMdl;


CFFXIDat::EValidateChunkResult CFFXIDat::ValidateChunk(const CFFXIDat::SChunk &chunk) const
	TChunkHandlerContainer::const_iterator it = mChunkHandlers.find(chunk.mType);
	if (it == mChunkHandlers.end())
		return kVCR_NotSupported;

	const int dataSize = chunk.mSize - skBinaryChunkSize;
	return it->second->ValidateChunk(*this, chunk, mpData + chunk.mDataOffset, dataSize);

bool CFFXIDat::ParseChunksOfInterest()

	int ofs = 0;
	while (ofs <= (mDataSize - skBinaryChunkSize))
		SChunk chunk(mpData + ofs, ofs);
		if ((ofs + chunk.mSize) > mDataSize)
			//would run off the end of the buffer
			return false;
		//consider a 0-sized chunk to be a terminator
		if (chunk.mSize <= 0)

		const EValidateChunkResult validateChunkResult = ValidateChunk(chunk);
		if (validateChunkResult == kVCR_Supported)
		else if (validateChunkResult == kVCR_Invalid)
		{ //bad chunk data, abort parsing
			return false;

		ofs += chunk.mSize;

	return mChunks.size() > 0;

bool CFFXIDat::RunChunkHandlersForChunksOfInterest(const int forChunkType) const
	//run through the pre-built chunks of interest list, and run registered handlers for them.
	for (TChunkList::const_iterator it = mChunks.begin(); it != mChunks.end(); ++it)
		const SChunk &chunk = *it;
		if (forChunkType >= 0 && chunk.mType != forChunkType)

		TChunkHandlerContainer::const_iterator itHandler = mChunkHandlers.find(chunk.mType);
		if (itHandler != mChunkHandlers.end())
			const int dataSize = chunk.mSize - skBinaryChunkSize;
			if (!itHandler->second->HandleChunk(*this, chunk, mpData + chunk.mDataOffset, dataSize))
				mpRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: Chunk handler failed on chunk type %i at %i.\n", chunk.mType, chunk.mDataOffset);

	return true;

void CFFXIDat::RegisterChunkHandler(CFFXIChunkHandler *pChunkHandler)
	const int chunkType = pChunkHandler->GetChunkType();
	TChunkHandlerContainer::iterator it = mChunkHandlers.lower_bound(chunkType);
	if (it != mChunkHandlers.end() && it->first == chunkType)
		NoeAssert(!"Handler already registered to chunk type!");
	mChunkHandlers.insert(it, TChunkHandlerContainer::value_type(chunkType, pChunkHandler));


#define FFXI_CREATE_AND_REGISTER_HANDLER(dat, handlerPointer, handlerType, ...) \
	if (!handlerPointer) \
	{ \
		handlerPointer = new handlerType(__VA_ARGS__); \
	} \

CFFXIDefaultHandlerSet::CFFXIDefaultHandlerSet(CFFXIDat *pDat)
	if (pDat)

void CFFXIDefaultHandlerSet::RegisterHandlersWithDat(CFFXIDat &dat)
	FFXI_CREATE_AND_REGISTER_HANDLER(dat, mpTextureHandler, CFFXITextureHandler);

8979280 page hits since February 11, 2009.

Site design and contents (c) 2009 Rich Whitehouse. Except those contents which happen to be images or screenshots containing shit that is (c) someone/something else entirely. That shit isn't really mine. Fair use though! FAIR USE!
All works on this web site are the result of my own personal efforts, and are not in any way supported by any given company. You alone are responsible for any damages which you may incur as a result of this web site or files related to this web site.