
Displaying: model_buildmap.cpp | View full page

//Noesis Build Engine import support.
//written for c++98/03 using Ken Silverman's BUILDINF.txt, with some bits of the vanilla Build source for reference.
#include "stdafx.h"

#include "../../misc_util/RichPoly2D.h"

buildMapOpts_t *g_buildMapOpts = NULL;

	const uint32_t skMaxSectorWalkAttemptCount = 4096;
	const uint32_t skMaxArtFileCount = 1024;

	const uint32_t skSinglePaletteEntryCount = 256;
	const uint32_t skSinglePaletteChannelCount = 3;
	const uint32_t skSinglePaletteSize = skSinglePaletteEntryCount * skSinglePaletteChannelCount;
	const uint32_t skSingleShadingTableSize = 256;

	const uint32_t skSpriteSpecialPicIndexBegin = 1; //SECTOREFFECTOR
	const uint32_t skSpriteSpecialPicIndexEnd = 10; //GPSPEED
	const uint32_t skShadowWarriorStSprite = 2307;
	const int32_t skMaxBuildMapDimension = 1024 * 1024;
	const float skSpriteFudgeDistance = 4.0f;
	const float skSpriteCloseEnoughToWallSquared = skSpriteFudgeDistance * skSpriteFudgeDistance;
	const float skSpriteCloseEnoughToFloor = 2.0f;

	struct SMapSectorInfo
		SMapSectorInfo(const bool isCCW)
			: mIsCCW(isCCW)
		bool mIsCCW;
	typedef std::vector<SMapSectorInfo> TMapSectorInfoList;

	struct SMapHeader
		int32_t mVersion;
		int32_t mStartPos[3];
		int16_t mAngle;
		uint16_t mStartSector;

	struct SMapSector
		int16_t mWallIndex;
		int16_t mWallCount;

		int32_t mCeilingZ;
		int32_t mFloorZ;

		int16_t mCeilStat;
		int16_t mFloorStat;

		int16_t mCeilingPicIndex;
		int16_t mCeilingHeiNum; //slope value - "(0-parallel to floor, 4096-45 degrees)"

		int8_t mCeilingShade;
		uint8_t mCeilingPal;
		uint8_t mCeilingXPan;
		uint8_t mCeilingYPan;

		int16_t mFloorPicIndex;
		int16_t mFloorHeiNum;
		int8_t mFloorShade;
		uint8_t mFloorPal;
		uint8_t mFloorXPan;
		uint8_t mFloorYPan;

		uint8_t mVisibility;
		uint8_t mFillter;

		int16_t mLoTag;
		int16_t mHiTag;
		int16_t mExtra;
	NoeCtAssert(sizeof(SMapSector) == 40);

	struct SMapWall
		int32_t mPos[2];
		//note that terminology has been changed from BUILDINF.txt, because this makes a bit more sense to me.
		//mNextWall == "point2", mOtherWall == "nextwall", mOtherSector == "nextsector"
		int16_t mNextWall; //index of wall to right
		int16_t mOtherWall; //index to wall on other side of wall, -1 if there is no sector
		int16_t mOtherSector; //index to sector on other side of wall, -1 if there is no sector
		int16_t mCStat;

		int16_t mPicIndex;
		int16_t mOverPicIndex;

		int8_t mShade;
		uint8_t mPal;

		uint8_t mXRepeat;
		uint8_t mYRepeat;
		uint8_t mXPan;
		uint8_t mYPan;

		int16_t mLoTag;
		int16_t mHiTag;
		int16_t mExtra;
	NoeCtAssert(sizeof(SMapWall) == 32);

	struct SMapSprite
		int32_t mPos[3];
		int16_t mCStat;

		int16_t mPicIndex;

		int8_t mShade;
		uint8_t mPal;

		uint8_t mClipDist;
		uint8_t mFiller;

		uint8_t mXRepeat;
		uint8_t mYRepeat;
		int8_t mXOffset;
		int8_t mYOffset;

		int16_t mSectorIndex;
		int16_t mStatNum;

		int16_t mAngle;
		int16_t mOwner;
		int16_t mVel[3];

		int16_t mLoTag;
		int16_t mHiTag;
		int16_t mExtra;
	NoeCtAssert(sizeof(SMapSprite) == 44);

	struct SMapInfo
		uint32_t mSectorCount;
		const SMapSector *mpSectors;

		uint32_t mWallCount;
		const SMapWall *mpWalls;

		uint32_t mSpriteCount;
		const SMapSprite *mpSprites;

	enum ESectorCStatBits
		kSecCStat_Parallaxing = (1 << 0),
		kSecCStat_Sloped = (1 << 1),
		kSecCStat_SwapXY = (1 << 2),
		kSecCStat_DoubleSmooshiness = (1 << 3),
		kSecCStat_XFlip = (1 << 4),
		kSecCStat_YFlip = (1 << 5),
		kSecCStat_AlignToFirstWall = (1 << 6)

	enum EWallCStatBits
		kWallCStat_Blocking = (1 << 0),
		kWallCStat_InvisibleBottomsSwapped = (1 << 1),
		kWallCStat_AlignOnBottom = (1 << 2),
		kWallCStat_XFlip = (1 << 3),
		kWallCStat_Masking = (1 << 4),
		kWallCStat_OneWay = (1 << 5),
		kWallCStat_BlockingHitscan = (1 << 6),
		kWallCStat_Translucence = (1 << 7),
		kWallCStat_YFlip = (1 << 8),
		kWallCStat_TranslucenceReversing = (1 << 9)

	enum ESpriteCStatBits
		kSprCStat_Blocking = (1 << 0),
		kSprCStat_Translucence = (1 << 1),
		kSprCStat_XFlip = (1 << 2),
		kSprCStat_YFlip = (1 << 3),
		kSprCStat_FaceOffset = 4,
		kSprCStat_FaceMask = (3 << kSprCStat_FaceOffset),
		kSprCStat_OneSided = (1 << 6),
		kSprCStat_Centered = (1 << 7),
		kSprCStat_BlockingHitscan = (1 << 8),
		kSprCStat_TranslucenceReversing = (1 << 9),
		kSprCStat_Invisible = (1 << 15)

	enum ESpriteFaceType
		kSpriteFace_Facing = 0,
		kSpriteFace_Wall = 1,
		kSpriteFace_Floor = 2

	enum ESpriteMode
		kSpriteMode_NonEffectors = 0,
		kSpriteMode_All = 1,
		kSpriteMode_None = 2

	struct SPerSectorData
		RichPoly2D::TPolyShapes mConcaveShapes;
		RichPoly2D::TPolyShapesList mConvexShapes;

		TMapSectorInfoList mSectorInfos;
	typedef std::vector<SPerSectorData> TPerSectorDataList;

	struct SArtTileHeader
		int32_t mVersion;
		int32_t mTileCount; //BUILDINF.txt recommends not trusting this
		int32_t mTileStartNumber;
		int32_t mTileEndNumber;

	class CArtTileFile
		enum ETileAnimType
			skTileAnimType_NoAnimation = 0,

		//8 bits are reserved for texture flags
		enum ETextureFlags
			skTextureFlags_None = 0,
			skTextureFlags_AlignHeight = (1 << 0) //convenient workaround for Build wall addressing

		CArtTileFile(const wchar_t *pFilename, const int32_t fileIndex, noeRAPI_t *pRapi)
			: mValid(false)
			, mFileIndex(fileIndex)
			, mpRapi(pRapi)
			, mFile(pFilename, NOEFSMODE_READBINARY, pRapi)
			, mpTileWidths(NULL)
			, mpTileHeights(NULL)
			, mpTileBits(NULL)
			, mpTileOffsets(NULL)
			mValid = mFile.IsValid();
			if (mValid)
				mValid = ParseArtFile();

			if (mpTileWidths)

		bool IsValid() const
			return mValid;

		bool ContainsTile(const int32_t tileIndex) const
			return (tileIndex >= mHeader.mTileStartNumber && tileIndex <= mHeader.mTileEndNumber);

		void GetTileXYOffsets(int8_t *pXOffset, int8_t *pYOffset, const int32_t tileIndex) const
			NoeAssert(tileIndex >= mHeader.mTileStartNumber && tileIndex <= mHeader.mTileEndNumber);
			const int32_t localTileIndex = tileIndex - mHeader.mTileStartNumber;
			const uint32_t tileInfo = mpTileBits[localTileIndex];
			*pXOffset = (tileInfo & skTileInfo_XCenterMask) >> skTileInfo_XCenterOffset;
			*pYOffset = (tileInfo & skTileInfo_YCenterMask) >> skTileInfo_YCenterOffset;

		bool GetAnimatedTileInfo(uint32_t *pAnimTypeOut, uint32_t *pAnimCountOut, uint32_t *pAnimSpeedOut, const int32_t tileIndex) const
			NoeAssert(tileIndex >= mHeader.mTileStartNumber && tileIndex <= mHeader.mTileEndNumber);
			const int32_t localTileIndex = tileIndex - mHeader.mTileStartNumber;
			const uint32_t tileInfo = mpTileBits[localTileIndex];
			const uint32_t animType = (tileInfo & skTileInfo_AnimTypeMask) >> skTileInfo_AnimTypeOffset;
			if (animType)
				*pAnimTypeOut = animType;
				*pAnimCountOut = (tileInfo & skTileInfo_AnimCountMask) + 1;
				*pAnimSpeedOut = ((tileInfo & skTileInfo_AnimSpeedMask) >> skTileInfo_AnimSpeedOffset);
				return true;
			return false;

		noesisTex_t *LoadTileWithPalette(const int32_t tileIndex, const uint8_t *pPalData, const uint8_t *pShadingTable, const uint8_t textureFlags, const int32_t textureIndex)
			NoeAssert(tileIndex >= mHeader.mTileStartNumber && tileIndex <= mHeader.mTileEndNumber);
			const int32_t localTileIndex = tileIndex - mHeader.mTileStartNumber;
			const uint32_t w = mpTileWidths[localTileIndex];
			const uint32_t h = mpTileHeights[localTileIndex];
			const uint32_t ofs = mpTileOffsets[localTileIndex];

			char textureName[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
			sprintf_s(textureName, "art%03i_tile%03i_%i", mFileIndex, localTileIndex, textureIndex);

			if (w == 0 || h == 0)
				return mpRapi->Noesis_AllocPlaceholderTex(textureName, 4, 4, false);

			const uint32_t actualHeight = (textureFlags & skTextureFlags_AlignHeight) ? g_mfn->Math_NextPow2(h) : h;
			uint8_t *pPixelData = (uint8_t *)mpRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(w * actualHeight);
			mFile.Seek(ofs, false);
			mFile.Read(pPixelData, w * actualHeight);

			uint8_t *pRgba = (uint8_t *)mpRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(w * actualHeight * 4);
			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < actualHeight; ++y)
				const uint32_t wrappedY = y % h;
				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < w; ++x)
					const uint32_t destPixelIndex = y * w + x;
					uint32_t palIndex = pPixelData[wrappedY + x * h];
					if (palIndex != 255)
						if (pShadingTable)
						{ //optionally remap the palette index if we have a shading table
							palIndex = pShadingTable[palIndex];
						pRgba[destPixelIndex * 4 + 0] = pPalData[palIndex * 3 + 0];
						pRgba[destPixelIndex * 4 + 1] = pPalData[palIndex * 3 + 1];
						pRgba[destPixelIndex * 4 + 2] = pPalData[palIndex * 3 + 2];
						pRgba[destPixelIndex * 4 + 3] = 255;
						pRgba[destPixelIndex * 4 + 0] = 0;
						pRgba[destPixelIndex * 4 + 1] = 0;
						pRgba[destPixelIndex * 4 + 2] = 0;
						pRgba[destPixelIndex * 4 + 3] = 0;


			noesisTex_t *pNoeTex = mpRapi->Noesis_TextureAlloc(textureName, w, actualHeight, pRgba, NOESISTEX_RGBA32);
			//useful for comparing texcoords with Build
			//pNoeTex->flags |= NTEXFLAG_FILTER_NEAREST;
			pNoeTex->shouldFreeData = true;

			return pNoeTex;

		enum ETileInfoBits
			skTileInfo_AnimCountMask = 63,
			skTileInfo_AnimTypeOffset = 6,
			skTileInfo_AnimTypeMask = (3 << skTileInfo_AnimTypeOffset),
			skTileInfo_XCenterOffset = 8,
			skTileInfo_XCenterMask = (255 << skTileInfo_XCenterOffset),
			skTileInfo_YCenterOffset = 16,
			skTileInfo_YCenterMask = (255 << skTileInfo_YCenterOffset),
			skTileInfo_AnimSpeedOffset = 24,
			skTileInfo_AnimSpeedMask = (15 << skTileInfo_AnimSpeedOffset)

		bool ParseArtFile()
			mFile.Seek(0, false);
			mFile.Read(&mHeader, sizeof(mHeader));
			if (mHeader.mVersion != 1)
				return false;

			mTileCount = mHeader.mTileEndNumber - mHeader.mTileStartNumber + 1;
			if (mTileCount <= 0)
				return false;

			uint8_t *pTileMem = (uint8_t *)mpRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * mTileCount * 2 + sizeof(uint32_t) * mTileCount * 2);
			mpTileWidths = (uint16_t *)pTileMem;
			mpTileHeights = mpTileWidths + mTileCount;
			mpTileBits = (uint32_t *)(mpTileHeights + mTileCount);
			mpTileOffsets = (uint32_t *)(mpTileBits + mTileCount);

			mFile.Read(mpTileWidths, sizeof(uint16_t) * mTileCount);
			mFile.Read(mpTileHeights, sizeof(uint16_t) * mTileCount);
			mFile.Read(mpTileBits, sizeof(uint32_t) * mTileCount);

			uint32_t currentOffset = (uint32_t)mFile.Tell();
			for (int32_t tileIndex = 0; tileIndex < mTileCount; ++tileIndex)
				mpTileOffsets[tileIndex] = currentOffset;
				currentOffset += mpTileWidths[tileIndex] * mpTileHeights[tileIndex];

			return true;

		RichFileWrap mFile;
		noeRAPI_t *mpRapi;

		int32_t mFileIndex;
		bool mValid;

		SArtTileHeader mHeader;
		int32_t mTileCount;

		uint16_t *mpTileWidths;
		uint16_t *mpTileHeights;
		uint32_t *mpTileBits;
		uint32_t *mpTileOffsets;

	class CArtTileData
		//16 bits are reserved for material flags in the material map
		enum EMaterialFlags
			skMaterialFlags_None = 0,
			skMaterialFlags_Translucence = (1 << 0),
			skMaterialFlags_TwoSided = (1 << 1),
			skMaterialFlags_FacingSprite = (1 << 2)

		CArtTileData(noeRAPI_t *pRapi)
			: mpRapi(pRapi)
			wchar_t basePath[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
			pRapi->Noesis_GetDirForFilePathW(basePath, pRapi->Noesis_GetLastCheckedNameW());

			wchar_t artPath[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
			for (uint32_t artFileIndex = 0; artFileIndex < skMaxArtFileCount; ++artFileIndex)
				swprintf_s(artPath, L"%sTILES%03i.ART", basePath, artFileIndex);
				CArtTileFile *pArtFile = new CArtTileFile(artPath, artFileIndex, pRapi);
				if (!pArtFile->IsValid())
					delete pArtFile;

			mpShadingTables = NULL;
			mShadingTableCount = 0;

			//attempt to load a palette
			swprintf_s(artPath, L"%sPALETTE.DAT", basePath);
			mpPalFileData = pRapi->Noesis_ReadFileW(artPath, &mPalFileDataSize);
			if (!mpPalFileData)
				mPalFileDataSize = 0;
				//default palette data
				pRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: Could not locate PALETTE.DAT, no color data available.\n");
				mPalDataSize = skSinglePaletteSize;
				mpPalData = (uint8_t *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(mPalDataSize);
				for (uint32_t palIndex = 0; palIndex < skSinglePaletteEntryCount; ++palIndex)
					uint8_t *pPalEntry = mpPalData + palIndex * skSinglePaletteChannelCount;
					for (uint32_t channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < skSinglePaletteChannelCount; ++channelIndex)
						pPalEntry[channelIndex] = (uint8_t)palIndex;
				//first see if we can get at the shading table
				const int32_t shadingTableOffset = skSinglePaletteSize + sizeof(uint16_t);
				if (mPalFileDataSize > shadingTableOffset)
					mShadingTableCount = *(uint16_t *)(mpPalFileData + skSinglePaletteSize);
					if (mShadingTableCount > 0)
						const int32_t shadingTableEnd = shadingTableOffset + skSingleShadingTableSize * mShadingTableCount;
						if (shadingTableEnd <= mPalFileDataSize)
							mpShadingTables = mpPalFileData + shadingTableOffset;
							mpShadingTables = NULL;
							pRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: PALETTE.DAT is not large enough to contain the complete shading table.\n");

				//next see if there's a LOOKUP.DAT, or if we should just live with a single palette.
				swprintf_s(artPath, L"%sLOOKUP.DAT", basePath);
				int32_t lookupFileSize;
				uint8_t *pLookupData = pRapi->Noesis_ReadFileW(artPath, &lookupFileSize);
				if (pLookupData)
					RichBitStreamEx lookupBs(pLookupData, lookupFileSize);
					const uint32_t lookupDataCount = lookupBs.ReadByte();

					const uint32_t remainingLookupSize = lookupFileSize - (lookupBs.GetOffset() + lookupDataCount * 257);
					const uint32_t remainingPalCount = remainingLookupSize / skSinglePaletteSize;
					const uint32_t totalPalCount = 1 + lookupDataCount + remainingPalCount;

					mPalDataSize = skSinglePaletteSize * totalPalCount;
					mpPalData = (uint8_t *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(mPalDataSize);

					//copy the default palette
					memcpy(mpPalData, mpPalFileData, mPalDataSize);

					//generate the color-swap palettes
					for (uint32_t lookupIndex = 0; lookupIndex < lookupDataCount; ++lookupIndex)
						const uint32_t lookupRealIndex = lookupBs.ReadByte();
						NoeAssert(lookupRealIndex >= 1 && lookupRealIndex <= lookupDataCount); //index is 1-based, after default palette
						const uint8_t *pLookupData = (const uint8_t *)lookupBs.GetBuffer() + lookupBs.GetOffset();
						uint8_t *pPalDest = mpPalData + lookupRealIndex * skSinglePaletteSize;

						for (uint32_t entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < 256; ++entryIndex)
							const uint8_t *pPalSource = mpPalData + (uint32_t)pLookupData[entryIndex] * 3;
							pPalDest[entryIndex * 3 + 0] = pPalSource[0];
							pPalDest[entryIndex * 3 + 1] = pPalSource[1];
							pPalDest[entryIndex * 3 + 2] = pPalSource[2];
					//tack the remaining palettes onto the end
					memcpy(mpPalData + (1 + lookupDataCount) * skSinglePaletteSize, lookupBs.GetBuffer(), remainingLookupSize);

					pRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: Could not locate LOOKUP.DAT, only one palette will be available.\n");
					//couldn't find lookup data, so we'll only use 1 palette
					mPalDataSize = skSinglePaletteSize;
					mpPalData = (uint8_t *)pRapi->Noesis_UnpooledAlloc(mPalDataSize);
					memcpy(mpPalData, mpPalFileData, mPalDataSize);

				//expand colors to 8 bits
				for (int32_t palOffset = 0; palOffset < mPalDataSize; ++palOffset)
					uint8_t c = mpPalData[palOffset];
					mpPalData[palOffset] = (c << 2) | (c >> 4);
			mPalCount = mPalDataSize / skSinglePaletteSize;

			for (TArtTileFileList::iterator it = mArtFiles.begin(); it != mArtFiles.end(); ++it)
				delete *it;
			if (mpPalFileData)

		noesisTex_t *TextureForMaterial(const noesisMaterial_t *pNoeMat) const
			if (!pNoeMat || pNoeMat->texIdx < 0 || pNoeMat->texIdx >= mNoesisTextures.Num())
				return NULL;
			return mNoesisTextures[pNoeMat->texIdx];

		noesisMaterial_t *MaterialForTile(const uint16_t tileIndex, const uint16_t palIndex, const int8_t shadingTableIndex, const uint8_t textureFlags, const uint16_t materialFlags)
			const uint64_t tileKey = GetTileIndexKey(tileIndex, palIndex, shadingTableIndex, textureFlags, materialFlags);
			TTileMaterialMap::iterator materialIt = mTileMaterialMap.find(tileKey);
			if (materialIt != mTileMaterialMap.end())
				return mNoesisMaterials[materialIt->second];

			if (materialFlags != skMaterialFlags_None)
				//if we have material flags, create the base material/texture without flags, then modify the new material as desired while pointing it at the shared texture.
				noesisMaterial_t *pBaseMaterial = MaterialForTile(tileIndex, palIndex, shadingTableIndex, textureFlags, 0);
				if (pBaseMaterial)
					const uint32_t noeMatIndex = CreateDefaultMaterial(pBaseMaterial->texIdx);
					mTileMaterialMap[tileKey] = noeMatIndex;

					noesisMaterial_t *pNoeMat = mNoesisMaterials[noeMatIndex];
					if (materialFlags & skMaterialFlags_Translucence)
						pNoeMat->blendSrc = NOEBLEND_SRC_ALPHA;
						pNoeMat->blendDst = NOEBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
						pNoeMat->diffuse[0] = 1.0f;
						pNoeMat->diffuse[1] = 1.0f;
						pNoeMat->diffuse[2] = 1.0f;
						pNoeMat->diffuse[3] = 0.5f;
					if (materialFlags & skMaterialFlags_TwoSided)
						pNoeMat->flags |= NMATFLAG_TWOSIDED;
					if (materialFlags & skMaterialFlags_FacingSprite)
						pNoeMat->flags |= NMATFLAG_SPRITE_FACINGXY;
					//we can safely point to the base material's expressions, as expressions are pool-allocated.
					pNoeMat->expr = pBaseMaterial->expr;

					return pNoeMat;
				//if it didn't already exist, we need to create it
				for (TArtTileFileList::iterator it = mArtFiles.begin(); it != mArtFiles.end(); ++it)
					CArtTileFile *pArtFile = *it;
					if (pArtFile->ContainsTile(tileIndex))
						const uint8_t *pPalData = mpPalData + std::min<uint32_t>(palIndex, mPalCount - 1) * skSinglePaletteSize;
						const uint8_t *pShadingTable = GetShadingTable(shadingTableIndex);
						const uint32_t noeTexIndex = mNoesisTextures.Num();
						noesisTex_t *pNoeTex = pArtFile->LoadTileWithPalette(tileIndex, pPalData, pShadingTable, textureFlags, noeTexIndex);

						const uint32_t noeMatIndex = CreateDefaultMaterial(noeTexIndex);
						mTileMaterialMap[tileKey] = noeMatIndex;

						noesisMaterial_t *pNoeMat = mNoesisMaterials[noeMatIndex];

						uint32_t animType, animCount, animSpeed;
						//load sequential animation tiles if they're present
						if (tileIndex > 0 && pArtFile->GetAnimatedTileInfo(&animType, &animCount, &animSpeed, tileIndex))
							for (uint32_t animTileIndex = 0; animTileIndex < animCount; ++animTileIndex)
								noesisTex_t *pNoeTex = pArtFile->LoadTileWithPalette(tileIndex + 1 + animTileIndex, pPalData, pShadingTable, textureFlags, noeTexIndex + 1 + animTileIndex);

							//Build shifts the current clock right by animSpeed.
							const float buildTimeScale = 1.0f / (1 << animSpeed);
							//now scale from Build ticks to milliseconds at default duke3d tick rate (120 / 26 ticks per frame at 30hz timing)
							const float buildTicksPerSecond = 120.0f / 26.0f * 30.0f;
							const float animTimeScale = buildTimeScale * buildTicksPerSecond / 1000.0f;
							//create a material expression to animate the texture
							pNoeMat->expr = mpRapi->Noesis_AllocMaterialExpressions(NULL);
							char texExpr[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
							switch (animType)
							case CArtTileFile::skTileAnimType_AnimOscillating:
								//oscillate on a triangle wave (not quite what Build does, and avoids doubling up on frames at either end)
								sprintf(texExpr, "%i + (abs(mod(time * %f, 2.0) - 1.0) * %i", noeTexIndex, animTimeScale * 0.25f, animCount);
							case CArtTileFile::skTileAnimType_AnimBackward:
								sprintf(texExpr, "%i - mod(time * %f, %i)", noeTexIndex + animCount, animTimeScale, animCount);
							case CArtTileFile::skTileAnimType_AnimForward:
								sprintf(texExpr, "%i + mod(time * %f, %i)", noeTexIndex, animTimeScale, animCount);
							pNoeMat->expr->texIdx = mpRapi->Express_Parse(texExpr);

						return pNoeMat;

			return NULL;

		void GetTileXYOffsets(int8_t *pXOffset, int8_t *pYOffset, const int32_t tileIndex) const
			for (TArtTileFileList::const_iterator it = mArtFiles.begin(); it != mArtFiles.end(); ++it)
				const CArtTileFile *pArtFile = *it;
				if (pArtFile->ContainsTile(tileIndex))
					pArtFile->GetTileXYOffsets(pXOffset, pYOffset, tileIndex);
			*pXOffset = 0;
			*pYOffset = 0;

		noesisMatData_t *CreateNoesisMaterialData()
			if (mNoesisMaterials.Num() <= 0)
				return NULL;

			return mpRapi->Noesis_GetMatDataFromLists(mNoesisMaterials, mNoesisTextures);

		//many modern api's and/or vendor implementations don't natively support paletted textures, so if we want to support shading tables
		//the Build Engine way via rgba32 textures, that means lots of duplicating textures with remapped shading. so we default to just
		//approximating shading via vertex colors.
		bool UseShadingTables() const
			return g_buildMapOpts->mUseShadingTables && mpShadingTables != NULL;

		typedef std::vector<CArtTileFile *> TArtTileFileList;
		typedef std::map<uint64_t, uint32_t> TTileMaterialMap;

		uint64_t GetTileIndexKey(const uint16_t tileIndex, const uint16_t palIndex, const int8_t shadingTableIndex, const uint8_t textureFlags, const uint16_t materialFlags) const
			uint64_t tileKey = (uint64_t)tileIndex | ((uint64_t)palIndex << 16ULL) | ((uint64_t)textureFlags << 32ULL) | ((uint64_t)materialFlags << 40ULL);
			if (UseShadingTables())
				tileKey |= ((uint64_t)std::max<int8_t>(shadingTableIndex, 0) << 56ULL);
			return tileKey;

		const uint8_t *GetShadingTable(const int8_t shadingTableIndex) const
			if (!UseShadingTables())
				return NULL;
			const int32_t clampedIndex = std::min<int32_t>(std::max<int32_t>(shadingTableIndex, 0), mShadingTableCount - 1);
			return mpShadingTables + clampedIndex * skSingleShadingTableSize;

		uint32_t CreateDefaultMaterial(const int32_t textureIndex)
			const uint32_t noeMatIndex = mNoesisMaterials.Num();
			noesisMaterial_t *pNoeMat = mpRapi->Noesis_GetMaterialList(1, false);

			char materialName[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
			sprintf_s(materialName, "material%04i", noeMatIndex);
			pNoeMat->name = mpRapi->Noesis_PooledString(materialName);
			pNoeMat->texIdx = textureIndex;
			pNoeMat->noLighting = true;


			return noeMatIndex;

		noeRAPI_t *mpRapi;

		TArtTileFileList mArtFiles;

		//a variable number of palettes may be present if generated from lookup.dat
		uint8_t *mpPalData;
		int32_t mPalDataSize;
		int32_t mPalCount;

		//original palette.dat data
		uint8_t *mpPalFileData;
		int32_t mPalFileDataSize;

		//pointer into mpPalFileData, if shading table data is present. otherwise NULL;
		uint8_t *mpShadingTables;
		int32_t mShadingTableCount;

		CArrayList<noesisTex_t *> mNoesisTextures;
		CArrayList<noesisMaterial_t *> mNoesisMaterials;

		TTileMaterialMap mTileMaterialMap;

	bool get_map_info(SMapInfo *pInfo, const uint8_t *pBuffer, const int32_t bufferLen)
		if (bufferLen < (sizeof(SMapHeader) + sizeof(uint16_t)))
			return false;

		const SMapHeader *pHdr = (const SMapHeader *)pBuffer;
		if (pHdr->mVersion != 7)
			return false;

		int32_t ofs = sizeof(SMapHeader);
		pInfo->mSectorCount = *(const uint16_t *)(pBuffer + ofs);
		ofs += sizeof(uint16_t);
		pInfo->mpSectors = (const SMapSector *)(pBuffer + ofs);
		ofs += sizeof(SMapSector) * pInfo->mSectorCount;
		if (ofs <= 0 || (ofs + (int32_t)sizeof(uint16_t)) >= bufferLen)
			return false;

		pInfo->mWallCount = *(const uint16_t *)(pBuffer + ofs);
		ofs += sizeof(uint16_t);
		pInfo->mpWalls = (const SMapWall *)(pBuffer + ofs);
		ofs += sizeof(SMapWall) * pInfo->mWallCount;
		if (ofs <= 0 || (ofs + (int32_t)sizeof(uint16_t)) >= bufferLen)
			return false;

		pInfo->mSpriteCount = *(const uint16_t *)(pBuffer + ofs);
		ofs += sizeof(uint16_t);
		pInfo->mpSprites = (const SMapSprite *)(pBuffer + ofs);
		ofs += sizeof(SMapSprite) * pInfo->mSpriteCount;
		if (ofs != bufferLen)
		{ //require an exact match, just because .map is a pretty generic extension and the format doesn't include any particularly good identifiers
			return false;

		return true;

	RichVecH2 get_xy_coord(const int32_t *pXyCoord)
		return RichVecH2(-(double)pXyCoord[0], (double)pXyCoord[1]);

	double get_z_coord(const int32_t zCoord)
		return -(double)zCoord / 16.0; //BUILDINF.txt notes all z coords are shifted up (left) by 4

	//written by observing Build source's getceilzofslope (math is identical for floor and ceiling)
	double get_slope_z(const SMapInfo &info, const SMapSector *pSector, const double posX, const double posY, const double baseZ, const double slopeValue)
		const SMapWall *pWall = info.mpWalls + pSector->mWallIndex;
		const SMapWall *pNextWall = info.mpWalls + pWall->mNextWall;

		const RichVecH2 wallPos = get_xy_coord(pWall->mPos);
		const RichVecH2 nextWallPos = get_xy_coord(pNextWall->mPos);
		const RichVecH2 dxy = nextWallPos - wallPos;

		const double dxyLength = dxy.Length() * 32.0;
		if (dxyLength == 0.0)
			return baseZ;
		const double cx = (dxy[0] * (posY - wallPos[1]) + -dxy[1] * (posX - wallPos[0])) / 8.0;
		return baseZ + slopeValue * cx / dxyLength / 16.0;

	double get_sloped_floor_z(const SMapInfo &info, const SMapSector *pSector, const double posX, const double posY)
		//ignore slope value unless sloped bit is set
		if (!(pSector->mFloorStat & kSecCStat_Sloped))
			return get_z_coord(pSector->mFloorZ);

		return get_slope_z(info, pSector, posX, posY, get_z_coord(pSector->mFloorZ), pSector->mFloorHeiNum);

	double get_sloped_ceiling_z(const SMapInfo &info, const SMapSector *pSector, const double posX, const double posY)
		//ignore slope value unless sloped bit is set
		if (!(pSector->mCeilStat & kSecCStat_Sloped))
			return get_z_coord(pSector->mCeilingZ);

		return get_slope_z(info, pSector, posX, posY, get_z_coord(pSector->mCeilingZ), pSector->mCeilingHeiNum);

	//if not handling this "correctly", we just produce a linearly scaled color instead, based upon an expected 32 entries in the shading table.
	RichVec4 approximate_color_for_shading_entry(int32_t shadeIndex)
		const float intensity = (31 - std::min<int32_t>(std::max<int32_t>(shadeIndex, 0), 31)) / 31.0f;
		return RichVec4(intensity, intensity, intensity, 1.0f);

	RichVec3 get_sector_draw_vert(const SMapInfo &info, const RichVecH2 &pos, const SMapSector *pSector, const bool onCeiling)
		return RichVec3((float)pos[0], (float)pos[1],
			(onCeiling) ? (float)get_sloped_ceiling_z(info, pSector, pos[0], pos[1]) : (float)get_sloped_floor_z(info, pSector, pos[0], pos[1]));

	RichVec2 get_sector_draw_uv(const SMapInfo &info, const CArtTileData &artTileData, const RichVecH2 &pos, const SMapSector *pSector, const noesisMaterial_t *pMaterial, const bool onCeiling)
		noesisTex_t *pTexture = artTileData.TextureForMaterial(pMaterial);
		if (!pTexture)
			return RichVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);

		const uint32_t cStat = (onCeiling) ? pSector->mCeilStat : pSector->mFloorStat;

		const double scaleFactor = (cStat & kSecCStat_DoubleSmooshiness) ? 8.0 : 16.0;
		const RichVecH2 toUVSpace = (RichVecH2((double)pTexture->w, (double)pTexture->h) * scaleFactor).InverseOrZero();

		RichVecH2 texPos = pos;

		//observing the order of these operations based on the Build source

		if (cStat & kSecCStat_AlignToFirstWall)
			const SMapWall *pWall = info.mpWalls + pSector->mWallIndex;
			const SMapWall *pNextWall = info.mpWalls + pWall->mNextWall;

			const double slopeValue = (onCeiling) ? pSector->mCeilingHeiNum : pSector->mFloorHeiNum;

			const RichVecH2 wallPos = get_xy_coord(pWall->mPos);
			const RichVecH2 nextWallPos = get_xy_coord(pNextWall->mPos);

			const RichVecH2 dxy = (nextWallPos - wallPos).Normalized();
			const RichVecH2 xy = wallPos - texPos;
			//arbitrarily scale y as the slope angle diverges from 0, such that the maximum slope ends up scaling by around 8.
			const double slopeFourtyFiveDegrees = 4096.0;
			const double slopeFactor = sqrt(slopeValue * slopeValue + slopeFourtyFiveDegrees * slopeFourtyFiveDegrees) / slopeFourtyFiveDegrees;

			texPos = RichVecH2(xy[0] * dxy[0] + xy[1] * dxy[1], (-xy[1] * dxy[0] + xy[0] * dxy[1]) * slopeFactor);

		if (cStat & kSecCStat_SwapXY)
			const double tU = texPos[0];
			texPos[0] = texPos[1];
			texPos[1] = tU;
		if (cStat & kSecCStat_XFlip)
			texPos[0] = -texPos[0];
		if (cStat & kSecCStat_YFlip)
			texPos[1] = -texPos[1];

		RichVecH2 uv = texPos * toUVSpace;

		const int32_t xPan = (onCeiling) ? pSector->mCeilingXPan : pSector->mFloorXPan;
		const int32_t yPan = (onCeiling) ? pSector->mCeilingYPan : pSector->mFloorYPan;
		uv -= RichVecH2((double)xPan / 256.0, (double)yPan / 256.0);

		return RichVec2(-(float)uv[0], -(float)uv[1]);

	//expects v0 and v1 to be on the left side of the wall
	void calculate_wall_uvs(RichVec2 *pUVsOut, const SMapInfo &info, const CArtTileData &artTileData, const noesisMaterial_t *pMaterial,
	                        const uint32_t cStat, const uint8_t xPan, const uint8_t yPan, const SMapWall *pWall,
	                        const RichVec3 &v0, const RichVec3 &v1, const RichVec3 &v2, const RichVec3 &v3, const double heightBase)
		noesisTex_t *pTexture = artTileData.TextureForMaterial(pMaterial);
		if (!pTexture)
			pUVsOut[0] = RichVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
			pUVsOut[1] = RichVec2(0.0f, 1.0f);
			pUVsOut[2] = RichVec2(1.0f, 1.0f);
			pUVsOut[3] = RichVec2(1.0f, 0.0f);

		const SMapWall *pNextWall = info.mpWalls + pWall->mNextWall;
		const RichVecH2 wallPos = get_xy_coord(pWall->mPos);
		const RichVecH2 nextWallPos = get_xy_coord(pNextWall->mPos);

		const float segWidth = (float)(nextWallPos - wallPos).Length();
		const float xCoordLeft = (cStat & kWallCStat_XFlip) ? segWidth : 0.0f;
		const float xCoordRight = (cStat & kWallCStat_XFlip) ? 0.0f : segWidth;
		const float yCoordBase = (float)heightBase;
		const float yScale = (cStat & kWallCStat_YFlip) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;

		const float invXRepeat = (pWall->mXRepeat > 0) ? 1.0f / (float)pWall->mXRepeat : 0.0f;
		const float invYRepeat = (pWall->mYRepeat > 0) ? 1.0f / (float)pWall->mYRepeat : 0.0f;

		//more magic numbers derived from Build logic
		const float scaleFactor = 16.0f;
		const float xRepeat = (segWidth / 128.0f) * invXRepeat;
		const float yRepeat = 8.0f * invYRepeat;
		const RichVec2 toUVSpace = (RichVec2((float)pTexture->w * xRepeat, (float)pTexture->h * yRepeat) * scaleFactor).InverseOrZero();

		const RichVec2 uvPan((float)xPan / (float)pTexture->w, (float)yPan / 256.0f);

		pUVsOut[0] = RichVec2(xCoordLeft, (yCoordBase - v0[2]) * yScale) * toUVSpace + uvPan;
		pUVsOut[1] = RichVec2(xCoordLeft, (yCoordBase - v1[2]) * yScale) * toUVSpace + uvPan;
		pUVsOut[2] = RichVec2(xCoordRight, (yCoordBase - v2[2]) * yScale) * toUVSpace + uvPan;
		pUVsOut[3] = RichVec2(xCoordRight, (yCoordBase - v3[2]) * yScale) * toUVSpace + uvPan;

	uint8_t texture_flags_for_wall()
		return (g_buildMapOpts->mNoAlignTileHeight) ? CArtTileFile::skTextureFlags_None : CArtTileFile::skTextureFlags_AlignHeight;

	uint16_t material_flags_for_wall(const int16_t cStat)
		uint16_t materialFlags = CArtTileData::skMaterialFlags_None;
		if (cStat & kWallCStat_Translucence)
			materialFlags |= CArtTileData::skMaterialFlags_Translucence;
		return materialFlags;

	void generate_sector_data(TPerSectorDataList &perSectorData, const SMapInfo &info, noeRAPI_t *pRapi)

		typedef std::set<uint32_t> TTouchedWalls;
		TTouchedWalls touchedWalls;

		for (uint32_t sectorIndex = 0; sectorIndex < info.mSectorCount; ++sectorIndex)
			const SMapSector *pSector = info.mpSectors + sectorIndex;
			SPerSectorData &sectorData = perSectorData[sectorIndex];

			for (int32_t wallIndex = 0; wallIndex < pSector->mWallCount; ++wallIndex)
				const int32_t absWallIndex = pSector->mWallIndex + wallIndex;
				if (!touchedWalls.insert(absWallIndex).second)

				RichPoly2D::TPolyShapes &sectorConcaveShapes = sectorData.mConcaveShapes;
				RichPoly2D::TPolyPointList &sectorPoly = sectorConcaveShapes.back();

				bool closedShape = false;
				const SMapWall *pWall = info.mpWalls + absWallIndex;
				for (uint32_t attemptCount = 0; attemptCount < skMaxSectorWalkAttemptCount; ++attemptCount)
					const RichVecH2 pos = get_xy_coord(pWall->mPos);

					NoeAssert(pWall->mNextWall >= 0 && (uint32_t)pWall->mNextWall < info.mWallCount);

					if (pWall->mNextWall == absWallIndex)
					{ //break out when we've closed the sector
						closedShape = true;
					pWall = info.mpWalls + pWall->mNextWall;

				if (closedShape)
					const bool isCCW = (RichPoly2D::PolyClockwise(sectorPoly) == RichPoly2D::kPolyClockwiseResult_CCW);
					if (isCCW)

					//this is pretty necessary for Build Engine maps, as there are quite a few concave polygons with totally degenerate edges in them,
					//including some situations where an edge segment will overlap back on a previous edge segment. this function also catches those
					//degenerate edge cases.

					//a few rare sectors in duke3d have overlapping collinear segments

					SMapSectorInfo sectorInfo(isCCW);

					TMapSectorInfoList &sectorInfos = sectorData.mSectorInfos;
					//never seen this happen, but just in case
					pRapi->LogOutput("WARNING: Sector %i contains an open shape.\n", sectorIndex);
					sectorConcaveShapes.erase(sectorConcaveShapes.end() - 1);

		for (uint32_t sectorIndex = 0; sectorIndex < info.mSectorCount; ++sectorIndex)
			const SMapSector *pSector = info.mpSectors + sectorIndex;
			SPerSectorData &sectorData = perSectorData[sectorIndex];
			const RichPoly2D::TPolyShapes &sectorConcaveShapes = sectorData.mConcaveShapes;
			TMapSectorInfoList &sectorInfos = sectorData.mSectorInfos;
			const uint32_t concaveShapeCount = sectorConcaveShapes.size();

			NoeAssert(sectorInfos.size() == concaveShapeCount);

			//first loop, generate convex shapes
			RichPoly2D::TPolyShapesList &sectorConvexShapes = sectorData.mConvexShapes;
			for (uint32_t concaveShapeIndex = 0; concaveShapeIndex < concaveShapeCount; ++concaveShapeIndex)
				RichPoly2D::TPolyShapes &sectorShapes = sectorConvexShapes.back();

				const RichPoly2D::TPolyPointList &sectorPoly = sectorConcaveShapes[concaveShapeIndex];
				RichPoly2D::GenerateTrianglesFromPoly(sectorShapes, sectorPoly);

				RichPoly2D::TPolyShapes tempShapes;
				std::swap(tempShapes, sectorShapes);
				RichPoly2D::MergeConvexShapes(sectorShapes, tempShapes);

			//second loop, clip convex shapes with any CCW shapes, and remerge convex shapes
			for (uint32_t concaveShapeIndex = 0; concaveShapeIndex < concaveShapeCount; ++concaveShapeIndex)
				const SMapSectorInfo &sectorInfo = sectorInfos[concaveShapeIndex];
				if (sectorInfo.mIsCCW)
				{ //no need to clip CCW sectors

				RichPoly2D::TPolyShapes &sectorShapes = sectorConvexShapes[concaveShapeIndex];
				//cut shapes against any CCW shapes in the same sector
				bool anyClipping = false;
				for (uint32_t otherShapeIndex = 0; otherShapeIndex < concaveShapeCount; ++otherShapeIndex)
					const SMapSectorInfo &sectorInfo = sectorInfos[otherShapeIndex];
					if (sectorInfo.mIsCCW)
						RichPoly2D::TPolyShapes &otherShapes = sectorConvexShapes[otherShapeIndex];

						RichPoly2D::TPolyShapes clippedSubject;
						RichPoly2D::ClipConvexShapes(clippedSubject, otherShapes, sectorShapes, RichPoly2D::kClipType_ExcludeInnerClip);
						std::swap(sectorShapes, clippedSubject);

						anyClipping = true;

				if (anyClipping)
					//go ahead and re-merge convex shapes if any clipping took place
					RichPoly2D::TPolyShapes tempShapes;
					std::swap(tempShapes, sectorShapes);
					RichPoly2D::MergeConvexShapes(sectorShapes, tempShapes);

	void draw_map_geometry(CArtTileData &artTileData, const TPerSectorDataList &perSectorData, const SMapInfo &info, noeRAPI_t *pRapi)
		for (uint32_t sectorIndex = 0; sectorIndex < info.mSectorCount; ++sectorIndex)
			const SMapSector *pSector = info.mpSectors + sectorIndex;
			const SPerSectorData &sectorData = perSectorData[sectorIndex];

			const RichPoly2D::TPolyShapesList &convexShapesList = sectorData.mConvexShapes;
			const uint32_t convexShapeListCount = convexShapesList.size();
			const TMapSectorInfoList &sectorInfos = sectorData.mSectorInfos;
			NoeAssert(sectorInfos.size() == convexShapeListCount);

			if (g_buildMapOpts->mNameSectors)
				char sectorName[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
				sprintf_s(sectorName, "_map_sector_%04i_", sectorIndex);

			const bool skipUpperSector = (g_buildMapOpts->mSkipParallax && (pSector->mCeilStat & kSecCStat_Parallaxing));
			const bool skipLowerSector = (g_buildMapOpts->mSkipParallax && (pSector->mFloorStat & kSecCStat_Parallaxing));

			for (uint32_t convexShapeListIndex = 0; convexShapeListIndex < convexShapeListCount; ++convexShapeListIndex)
				const SMapSectorInfo &sectorInfo = sectorInfos[convexShapeListIndex];
				if (sectorInfo.mIsCCW)
				{ //don't draw CCW shapes

				const RichPoly2D::TPolyShapes &sectorShapes = convexShapesList[convexShapeListIndex];
				const noesisMaterial_t *pFloorMaterial = artTileData.MaterialForTile(pSector->mFloorPicIndex, pSector->mFloorPal, pSector->mFloorShade,
				                                                                     CArtTileFile::skTextureFlags_None, CArtTileData::skMaterialFlags_None);
				const noesisMaterial_t *pCeilingMaterial = artTileData.MaterialForTile(pSector->mCeilingPicIndex, pSector->mCeilingPal, pSector->mCeilingShade,
				                                                                     CArtTileFile::skTextureFlags_None, CArtTileData::skMaterialFlags_None);

				const uint32_t shapeCount = sectorShapes.size();
				for (uint32_t shapeIndex = 0; shapeIndex < shapeCount; ++shapeIndex)
					const RichPoly2D::TPolyPointList &points = sectorShapes[shapeIndex];
					const uint32_t pointCount = points.size();

					if (!skipLowerSector)
						pRapi->rpgSetMaterial((pFloorMaterial) ? pFloorMaterial->name : "defaultmaterial");

						//draw floor
						if (!artTileData.UseShadingTables())
						for (uint32_t pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < pointCount; ++pointIndex)
							const RichVecH2 &pos = points[pointCount - pointIndex - 1];
							RichVec2 vertUV = get_sector_draw_uv(info, artTileData, pos, pSector, pFloorMaterial, false);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(vertUV.v, 0);
							RichVec3 vertPos = get_sector_draw_vert(info, pos, pSector, false);

					if (!skipUpperSector)
						pRapi->rpgSetMaterial((pCeilingMaterial) ? pCeilingMaterial->name : "defaultmaterial");

						//draw ceiling
						if (!artTileData.UseShadingTables())
						for (uint32_t pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < pointCount; ++pointIndex)
							const RichVecH2 &pos = points[pointIndex];
							RichVec2 vertUV = get_sector_draw_uv(info, artTileData, pos, pSector, pCeilingMaterial, true);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(vertUV.v, 0);
							RichVec3 vertPos = get_sector_draw_vert(info, pos, pSector, true);

				//now draw walls for the sector
				for (int32_t wallIndex = 0; wallIndex < pSector->mWallCount; ++wallIndex)
					const int32_t absWallIndex = pSector->mWallIndex + wallIndex;
					const SMapWall *pWall = info.mpWalls + absWallIndex;
					const SMapWall *pNextWall = info.mpWalls + pWall->mNextWall;

					const RichVecH2 pos = get_xy_coord(pWall->mPos);
					const RichVecH2 nextPos = get_xy_coord(pNextWall->mPos);

					RichVec3 v0 = get_sector_draw_vert(info, pos, pSector, true);
					RichVec3 v1 = get_sector_draw_vert(info, nextPos, pSector, true);
					RichVec3 v2 = get_sector_draw_vert(info, nextPos, pSector, false);
					RichVec3 v3 = get_sector_draw_vert(info, pos, pSector, false);

					RichVec2 wallUVs[4];

					const noesisMaterial_t *pWallMaterial = artTileData.MaterialForTile(pWall->mPicIndex, pWall->mPal, pWall->mShade,
					                                                                    texture_flags_for_wall(), CArtTileData::skMaterialFlags_None);

					pRapi->rpgSetMaterial((pWallMaterial) ? pWallMaterial->name : "defaultmaterial");

					if (pWall->mOtherSector < 0)
					{ //just draw the wall straight-up
						if (!artTileData.UseShadingTables())

						calculate_wall_uvs(wallUVs, info, artTileData, pWallMaterial, pWall->mCStat, pWall->mXPan, pWall->mYPan, pWall, v0, v3, v2, v1,
						                   (pWall->mCStat & kWallCStat_AlignOnBottom) ? get_z_coord(pSector->mFloorZ) : get_z_coord(pSector->mCeilingZ));

						pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[0].v, 0);
						pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[1].v, 0);
						pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[2].v, 0);
						pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[3].v, 0);
						const SMapSector *pOtherSector = info.mpSectors + pWall->mOtherSector;
						RichVec3 otherV0 = get_sector_draw_vert(info, pos, pOtherSector, true);
						RichVec3 otherV1 = get_sector_draw_vert(info, nextPos, pOtherSector, true);
						RichVec3 otherV2 = get_sector_draw_vert(info, nextPos, pOtherSector, false);
						RichVec3 otherV3 = get_sector_draw_vert(info, pos, pOtherSector, false);

						const bool skipUpperWall = (g_buildMapOpts->mSkipParallax && (pOtherSector->mCeilStat & kSecCStat_Parallaxing));
						const bool skipLowerWall = (g_buildMapOpts->mSkipParallax && (pOtherSector->mFloorStat & kSecCStat_Parallaxing));

						//draw the upper bit
						if (!skipUpperWall && (otherV0[2] < v0[2] || otherV1[2] < v1[2]))
							if (!artTileData.UseShadingTables())

							calculate_wall_uvs(wallUVs, info, artTileData, pWallMaterial, pWall->mCStat, pWall->mXPan, pWall->mYPan, pWall, v0, otherV0, otherV1, v1,
							                   (pWall->mCStat & kWallCStat_AlignOnBottom) ? get_z_coord(pSector->mCeilingZ) : get_z_coord(pOtherSector->mCeilingZ));

							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[0].v, 0);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[1].v, 0);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[2].v, 0);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[3].v, 0);

						//draw the lower bit
						if (!skipLowerWall && (otherV2[2] > v2[2] || otherV3[2] > v3[2]))
							int8_t bottomShade = pWall->mShade;
							uint32_t bottomCStat = pWall->mCStat;
							uint8_t bottomXPan = pWall->mXPan;
							uint8_t bottomYPan = pWall->mYPan;
							const noesisMaterial_t *pBottomMaterial = pWallMaterial;

							if ((pWall->mCStat & kWallCStat_InvisibleBottomsSwapped) && pWall->mOtherWall >= 0)
								const SMapWall *pOtherWall = info.mpWalls + pWall->mOtherWall;
								bottomShade = pOtherWall->mShade;
								bottomCStat = pOtherWall->mCStat;
								bottomXPan = pOtherWall->mXPan;
								bottomYPan = pOtherWall->mYPan;
								//Build manages to check the original wall's cstat for x-flip, but not y-flip. ahh, Build.
								bottomCStat = (bottomCStat & ~kWallCStat_XFlip) | (pWall->mCStat & kWallCStat_XFlip);
								pBottomMaterial = artTileData.MaterialForTile(pOtherWall->mPicIndex, pOtherWall->mPal, bottomShade,
								                                              texture_flags_for_wall(), CArtTileData::skMaterialFlags_None);

								pRapi->rpgSetMaterial((pBottomMaterial) ? pBottomMaterial->name : "defaultmaterial");

							if (!artTileData.UseShadingTables())

							calculate_wall_uvs(wallUVs, info, artTileData, pBottomMaterial, bottomCStat, bottomXPan, bottomYPan, pWall, otherV3, v3, v2, otherV2,
							                   (bottomCStat & kWallCStat_AlignOnBottom) ? get_z_coord(pSector->mCeilingZ) : get_z_coord(pOtherSector->mFloorZ));

							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[0].v, 0);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[1].v, 0);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[2].v, 0);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[3].v, 0);

						//draw the middle masking/oneway texture
						if (pWall->mCStat & (kWallCStat_Masking | kWallCStat_OneWay))
							noesisMaterial_t *pMaskMaterial = artTileData.MaterialForTile(pWall->mOverPicIndex, pWall->mPal, pWall->mShade,
							                                                              texture_flags_for_wall(), material_flags_for_wall(pWall->mCStat));

							pRapi->rpgSetMaterial((pMaskMaterial) ? pMaskMaterial->name : "defaultmaterial");

							RichVec3 maskV0 = RichVec3(v0[0], v0[1], std::min<float>(v0[2], otherV0[2]));
							RichVec3 maskV1 = RichVec3(v1[0], v1[1], std::min<float>(v1[2], otherV1[2]));
							RichVec3 maskV2 = RichVec3(v2[0], v2[1], std::max<float>(v2[2], otherV2[2]));
							RichVec3 maskV3 = RichVec3(v3[0], v3[1], std::max<float>(v3[2], otherV3[2]));

							if (!artTileData.UseShadingTables())

							if (pWall->mCStat & kWallCStat_Masking)
								calculate_wall_uvs(wallUVs, info, artTileData, pMaskMaterial, pWall->mCStat, pWall->mXPan, pWall->mYPan, pWall, maskV0, maskV3, maskV2, maskV1,
								                   (pWall->mCStat & kWallCStat_AlignOnBottom) ?
								                    std::max<double>(get_z_coord(pSector->mFloorZ), get_z_coord(pOtherSector->mFloorZ)) :
								                    std::min<double>(get_z_coord(pSector->mCeilingZ), get_z_coord(pOtherSector->mCeilingZ)));
								calculate_wall_uvs(wallUVs, info, artTileData, pMaskMaterial, pWall->mCStat, pWall->mXPan, pWall->mYPan, pWall, maskV0, maskV3, maskV2, maskV1,
								                   (pWall->mCStat & kWallCStat_AlignOnBottom) ? get_z_coord(pSector->mCeilingZ) : get_z_coord(pOtherSector->mCeilingZ));

							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[0].v, 0);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[1].v, 0);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[2].v, 0);
							pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(wallUVs[3].v, 0);

	uint16_t material_flags_for_sprite(const int16_t cStat)
		uint16_t materialFlags = CArtTileData::skMaterialFlags_None;
		if (!(cStat & kSprCStat_OneSided))
			materialFlags |= CArtTileData::skMaterialFlags_TwoSided;
		if (cStat & kSprCStat_Translucence)
			materialFlags |= CArtTileData::skMaterialFlags_Translucence;
		const uint32_t facingType = ((cStat & kSprCStat_FaceMask) >> kSprCStat_FaceOffset);
		if (facingType == kSpriteFace_Facing)
			materialFlags |= CArtTileData::skMaterialFlags_FacingSprite;
		return materialFlags;

	void draw_sprites(CArtTileData &artTileData, const SMapInfo &info, noeRAPI_t *pRapi)
		char spriteMeshName[MAX_NOESIS_PATH];
		for (uint32_t spriteIndex = 0; spriteIndex < info.mSpriteCount; ++spriteIndex)
			const SMapSprite *pSprite = info.mpSprites + spriteIndex;
			if (abs(pSprite->mPos[0]) > skMaxBuildMapDimension || abs(pSprite->mPos[0]) > skMaxBuildMapDimension)

			if (g_buildMapOpts->mSpriteMode != kSpriteMode_All)
				if ((pSprite->mPicIndex >= skSpriteSpecialPicIndexBegin && pSprite->mPicIndex <= skSpriteSpecialPicIndexEnd) || pSprite->mPicIndex == skShadowWarriorStSprite)

			noesisMaterial_t *pSpriteMaterial = artTileData.MaterialForTile(pSprite->mPicIndex, pSprite->mPal, pSprite->mShade,
			                                                                CArtTileFile::skTextureFlags_None, material_flags_for_sprite(pSprite->mCStat));
			noesisTex_t *pSpriteTexture = artTileData.TextureForMaterial(pSpriteMaterial);
			if (pSpriteTexture)
				const RichVecH2 pos = get_xy_coord(pSprite->mPos);
				const double posZ = get_z_coord(pSprite->mPos[2]);

				const uint32_t facingType = ((pSprite->mCStat & kSprCStat_FaceMask) >> kSprCStat_FaceOffset);
				const float spriteAngle = (float)pSprite->mAngle / 2047.0f * g_flPI * 2.0f;

				const float xRepeat = (float)pSprite->mXRepeat / 64.0f;
				const float yRepeat = (float)pSprite->mYRepeat / 64.0f;
				const RichVec2 tileToWorld(xRepeat * 16.0f, yRepeat * 16.0f);
				const RichVec2 spriteSize = RichVec2((float)pSpriteTexture->w, (float)pSpriteTexture->h) * tileToWorld;

				int8_t xOffset, yOffset;
				artTileData.GetTileXYOffsets(&xOffset, &yOffset, pSprite->mPicIndex);

				RichVec3 drawRight(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				RichVec3 drawUp(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
				RichVec3 drawPos((float)pos[0], (float)pos[1], (float)posZ);
				float uvX = 1.0f;
				float uvY = 1.0f;
				switch (facingType)
				case kSpriteFace_Facing:
				case kSpriteFace_Wall:
					drawRight[0] = sinf(spriteAngle);
					drawRight[1] = cosf(spriteAngle);
					drawRight[2] = 0.0f;
					if (!(pSprite->mCStat & kSprCStat_Centered))
						drawPos[2] += spriteSize[1] * 0.5f;

					if (facingType == kSpriteFace_Wall)
					{ //Build doesn't actually use the x offset for anything in the facing case
						drawPos[0] += drawRight[0] * (float)xOffset * tileToWorld[0];
						drawPos[1] += drawRight[1] * (float)xOffset * tileToWorld[0];
					drawPos[2] += yOffset * tileToWorld[1];

					uvX *= (pSprite->mCStat & kSprCStat_XFlip) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
					uvY *= (pSprite->mCStat & kSprCStat_YFlip) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;

					//if we're aligned to a wall, see how close we are to it and fudge our way out a bit as needed
					if (!g_buildMapOpts->mNoSpriteFudge &&
					    pSprite->mSectorIndex >= 0 && (uint32_t)pSprite->mSectorIndex < info.mSectorCount && facingType == kSpriteFace_Wall)
						const SMapSector *pSector = info.mpSectors + pSprite->mSectorIndex;
						for (int32_t wallIndex = 0; wallIndex < pSector->mWallCount; ++wallIndex)
							const int32_t absWallIndex = pSector->mWallIndex + wallIndex;
							const SMapWall *pWall = info.mpWalls + absWallIndex;
							const SMapWall *pNextWall = info.mpWalls + pWall->mNextWall;
							const RichVecH2 wallPos = get_xy_coord(pWall->mPos);
							const RichVecH2 nextWallPos = get_xy_coord(pNextWall->mPos);
							const RichVecH2 spriteOnSegment = pos.PointOnSegment(wallPos, nextWallPos);
							if ((pos - spriteOnSegment).LengthSq() <= skSpriteCloseEnoughToWallSquared)
								//it's close enough to this particular segment, push it away from the wall
								const RichVecH2 toNextWall = (nextWallPos - wallPos).Normalized();
								drawPos[0] += (float)toNextWall[1] * skSpriteFudgeDistance;
								drawPos[1] -= (float)toNextWall[0] * skSpriteFudgeDistance;
				case kSpriteFace_Floor:
					drawRight[0] = sinf(spriteAngle);
					drawRight[1] = cosf(spriteAngle);
					drawRight[2] = 0.0f;
					drawUp[0] = drawRight[1];
					drawUp[1] = -drawRight[0];
					drawUp[2] = 0.0f;
					drawPos -= drawRight * ((float)xOffset * tileToWorld[0]);
					drawPos -= drawUp * ((float)yOffset * tileToWorld[1]);

					uvX = -uvX;
					uvY = -uvY;

					drawRight *= (pSprite->mCStat & kSprCStat_XFlip) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
					drawUp *= (pSprite->mCStat & kSprCStat_YFlip) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;

					//see if we need to bump a bit out of the floor or ceiling
					if (!g_buildMapOpts->mNoSpriteFudge &&
					    pSprite->mSectorIndex >= 0 && (uint32_t)pSprite->mSectorIndex < info.mSectorCount)
						const SMapSector *pSector = info.mpSectors + pSprite->mSectorIndex;
						const double floorZ = get_z_coord(pSector->mFloorZ);
						const double ceilingZ = get_z_coord(pSector->mCeilingZ);
						if (fabs(posZ - floorZ) < skSpriteCloseEnoughToFloor)
							drawPos[2] += skSpriteFudgeDistance;
						else if (fabs(ceilingZ - posZ) < skSpriteCloseEnoughToFloor)
							drawPos[2] -= skSpriteFudgeDistance;

				drawRight *= spriteSize[0] * 0.5f;
				drawUp *= spriteSize[1] * 0.5f;

				RichVec3 v0 = drawPos - drawRight - drawUp;
				RichVec3 v1 = drawPos - drawRight + drawUp;
				RichVec3 v2 = drawPos + drawRight + drawUp;
				RichVec3 v3 = drawPos + drawRight - drawUp;

				sprintf_s(spriteMeshName, "sprite%04i", spriteIndex);


				if (!artTileData.UseShadingTables())

				pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(RichVec2(uvX, uvY).v, 0);
				pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(RichVec2(uvX, 0.0f).v, 0);
				pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(RichVec2(0.0f, 0.0f).v, 0);
				pRapi->rpgVertUV2f(RichVec2(0.0f, uvY).v, 0);

bool Model_Build_CheckMap(BYTE *fileBuffer, int bufferLen, noeRAPI_t *rapi)
	SMapInfo info;
	if (!get_map_info(&info, fileBuffer, bufferLen))
		return false;

	return true;

noesisModel_t *Model_Build_LoadMap(BYTE *fileBuffer, int bufferLen, int &numMdl, noeRAPI_t *rapi)
	SMapInfo info;
	if (!get_map_info(&info, fileBuffer, bufferLen))
		return NULL;

	void *pCtx = rapi->rpgCreateContext();

	CArtTileData artTileData(rapi);

	TPerSectorDataList perSectorData;

	generate_sector_data(perSectorData, info, rapi);

	//this would be a good place to perform optional overlapping sector relocation.
	//the idea is to walk the sectors, then see which ones overlap after hole-cutting. when a sector overlaps, walk its walls into other sectors to build
	//up a list of connected overlapping sectors. once overlapping sectors have been flooded without self-overlapping, create a transform (can be set upon
	//draw with rpgSetTransform) which moves the group of sectors over to unoccupied space to be applied at draw time, and create portal edges for every
	//wall that connects between the relocated and non-relocated sectors.
	//at draw time, use the portal edges to create portal materials for each sector portal connection and draw them. this will allow exported maps to be
	//easily adapted to games/engines which support portals.

	draw_map_geometry(artTileData, perSectorData, info, rapi);

	if (g_buildMapOpts->mSpriteMode != kSpriteMode_None)
		draw_sprites(artTileData, info, rapi);


	noesisMatData_t *pMd = artTileData.CreateNoesisMaterialData();
	if (pMd)

	noesisModel_t *pMdl = rapi->rpgConstructModel();

	if (pMdl)
		static float mdlAngOfs[3] = { 0.0f, 270.0f, 0.0f };
		numMdl = 1;
	return pMdl;

#define BUILDMAP_DECL_OPTS(argRequired) \
	buildMapOpts_t *lopts = (buildMapOpts_t *)store; \
	assert(storeSize == sizeof(buildMapOpts_t)); \
	if (argRequired && !arg) \
	{ \
		return false; \

bool Model_Build_MapShTableHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	lopts->mUseShadingTables = true;
	return true;

bool Model_Build_MapTNoAlignHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	lopts->mNoAlignTileHeight = true;
	return true;

bool Model_Build_MapNoFudgeHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	lopts->mNoSpriteFudge = true;
	return true;

bool Model_Build_MapNameSecsHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	lopts->mNameSectors = true;
	return true;

bool Model_Build_MapSkipParaHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	lopts->mSkipParallax = true;
	return true;

bool Model_Build_MapSpriteModeHandler(const char *arg, unsigned char *store, int storeSize)
	lopts->mSpriteMode = atoi(arg);
	return true;

8977637 page hits since February 11, 2009.

Site design and contents (c) 2009 Rich Whitehouse. Except those contents which happen to be images or screenshots containing shit that is (c) someone/something else entirely. That shit isn't really mine. Fair use though! FAIR USE!
All works on this web site are the result of my own personal efforts, and are not in any way supported by any given company. You alone are responsible for any damages which you may incur as a result of this web site or files related to this web site.